Pro-divorce majority confirmed, Xarabank polls 56% in favour of JPO proposal
Xarabank survey confirms pro divorce majority for JPO's private members bill in two consecutive MaltaToday surveys.
A survey commissioned by TV programme Xarabank shows that 56.3% of respondents would vote yes for divorce in a hypothetical referendum, based on Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando’s private member’s bill.
Two MaltaToday surveys asking the same question conducted in July and August had registered a pro divorce majority of 59%, slightly higher than the Xarabank survey but well within the margin of error of both surveys.
Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando’s private member’s bill, which is the only bill under consideration, limits the divorce option to couples who have been separated for more than 4 years.
But the Xarabank survey also shows that only 39.7% would vote for divorce in a hypothetical referendum, asking them whether ‘divorce should be introduced in Malta’. 47% would oppose it.
This result tallies with a Sunday Times survey published in August, which refrained from asking respondents how they would vote if divorce was introduced according to the Pullicino Orlando bill.
A MaltaToday conducted in August also showed lower support for divorce in this form of generic referendum, which is not based on any concrete legislative proposal. But the MaltaToday survey still registered a slight majority of 50.6% who would still favour divorce at least in certain circumstances.
The result of both the MaltaToday and Xarbank surveys shows that support for divorce in an eventual referendum depends on the wording of the question asked.
Similarly to MaltaToday, the Xarabank survey shows that the overwhelming majority of voters think that divorce should be introduced through a referendum.
The Xarabank survey indicates an increase in the number of those wanting a referendum on this issue, up from 58% in the MaltaToday July survey, to 67.3% in the more recent Xarabank survey.
The Xarabank survey shows a very high percentage of Labour voters (73.9% ) favouring divorce and a relative majority of Nationalists (47.4%) favouring divorce.
Similarly the MaltaToday survey showed 75.3% of Labour voters and 49.5% of Nationalist voters favouring divorce. As in the MaltaToday survey, Nationalist voters were more likely not to vote for their party again if it introduces divorce.