Dementia Intervention Team to be set up
Government is committed to implement the National Dementia Strategy over nine-year period - Justyne Caruana

Parliamentary Secretary for Rights of Persons with Disability and Active Ageing Justyne Caruana has announced that calls will be published so as to form Malta's first Dementia Intervention Team - part of the Government’s Strategy on Dementia. Parliamentary Secretary Justyne Caruana announced this during her introduction at the Dementia Training Courses held for Gozo General Hospital Employees.
Caruana explained how such courses are being held in order in order to increase knowledge spread nationwide on dementia and dementia care, especially with people who work with older persons. She reiterated that the Government is committed to implement the Dementia Strategy in a period of nine years, and training is one of the main pillars of dementia.
With regards to the Dementia Intervention Team, Caruana elaborated that the dementia intervention team will be made up of a Coordinator, a nurse, a psychologist, an occupational therapist and a social worker. This will be the first intervention team, and in the coming months more are expected to be formed so as to cater for all of Malta.
She also mentioned that work is ongoing on a Day Centre for Persons with Dementia which will also be operating in Gozo and stated that the CommCare service in Gozo is to be strengthened.