Only 16% think government is fighting corruption

A MaltaToday survey shows that PN voters more likely to think government is fighting corruption on local than national level

Main Findings:

36% think that corruption is very widespread in local councils up from 15%   3 years ago.

Only 16% think government is fighting corruption at every level, 20% think government is fighting corruption at local level

41% of PN voters in 2008 think that government is fighting corruption at local level but only 31% think it is doing the same at national level.

Interviewed a week before Lawrence Gonzi’s Independence Day announcement that he intends to toughen anti-corruption laws and two weeks before the whistle blower legislation act was announced, only 16% of respondents in a MaltaToday survey thought that the government is fighting corruption on all levels. 

A slightly higher percentage (20%) believe that the government is fighting corruption in local councils. 

See full results of survey in Sunday's edition of MaltaToday

What percentage think that this government is the SOURCE of the widespread corruption?