Labour Party welcomes low unemployment rates, says government stimulating economy
Labour Party welcomes low unemployment rates while the Nationalist Party criticises the way the health sector is being run

The Labour Party said that recently published figures had left workers, their families and employers optimistic as they see opportunities to further their businesses.
“March saw the lowest rate of unemployed people in the last 20 years, with 5,894 people looking for work, 1,750 less people when compared to March of 2014,” the Labour party statement said.
The party added that during these past two years, the government had worked with the aim of strengthening the economy without creating any financial burden or removing any benefits.
“Thanks to this mindset, local businesses could turn the wealth generated into more job opportunities and better investment. The government also worked to strengthening its youth guarantee, ensuring that disabled people could find jobs that would give them the right dignity and incentivizing more women to continue working,” the statement reads.
The government added that a lot still needs to be done and precarious jobs needed to be addressed. However, the results achieved encourage and instill a sense of hope for the future.
“This cohesion between workers and their employers is placing our country on the fore,” the statement continues.
Meanwhile, the nationalist party issued a statement to express its gratitude towards the workers of the health sector.
“Our country is lucky to have thousands of dedicated people working in its health sector. For the majority of these workers, there is no such thing as national holidays or nights, but they are committed to offer their services at all times,” the statement reads.
The party continued to praise public health employees who had contacted the party to express concerns at the way this sector was being administered.
“It has become clear that when it comes to choosing those that run health institutions, the criteria are not certificates and experience, but other factors. This is creating distress and anger among workers in the sector,” the statement continues.
As a result of these complaints, the nationalist party appealed to Minister Konrad Mizzi and Parliamentary Secretary Chris Fearne to retire this damaging attitude and instead honour their promises of accountability, transparence and meritocracy.
The party added that it was noting down all the cases of injustice brought forward to it.