Enemalta issues call for offers to dismantle Marsa Power Station
Enemalta plc is inviting interested parties to submit offers for the dismantling and demolition of the remaining structures and equipment at the Marsa Power Station

Enemalta plc is inviting interested parties to submit offers for the dismantling and demolition of the remaining structures and equipment at the Marsa Power Station, the company said in a statement.
This station was shut down and temporarily put on cold standby on 9th March 2015. Earlier this month, the Malta Environment and Planning Authority (Mepa) approved the Company’s plans for the dismantling and demolition of all electricity generation structures on this site. Enemalta is now seeking to contract the required services to continue this project as soon as possible.
The selected contractor will be required to coordinate and execute the safe dismantling of all structures, except for the Administration Building and the preserved areas. Before dismantling works begin, the selected contractor is requested to carry out several tests to determine the characteristics of all materials within the station and subsequently consult local authorities to identify the best solution for their re-use or disposal.
Boilers, turbines, water pumps, chimneys, transformers, switchgear, fuel tanks and other related equipment will be cleaned, dismantled and disposed of in accordance to all applicable health and safety, waste management and environment protection regulations. The structures housing the equipment will be demolished and where possible, building materials will be recycled. Enemalta plc is demanding that contractors take all necessary precautions to avoid inconveniences or safety risks to nearby residents and workers.
The dismantling of some of the decommissioned plants started last year and will continue in the coming weeks through a separate contract awarded earlier this year for the removal of a number of fuel tanks and chimneys.
"The decommissioning and dismantling of the Marsa Power Station forms part of Enemalta’s plan to transform the country’s electricity generation sector by ending the use of less-efficient oil-fired generators and shifting to cleaner sources including new gas-fired plants and renewable sources. The shutting down of this power station is one of the first steps in this direction. As soon as the new gas-fired plant at the Delimara Power Station is completed, the Company will also dismantle the few remaining Marsa Power Station units still on cold standby.
"Besides substantial improvement in air quality levels in the Maltese Islands, this plan also aims to maintain stable and more affordable energy prices for Enemalta’s residential and business customers. The new plants’ increased efficiency will also contribute to the Company’s ongoing efforts to streamline its operations, allocate additional resources for the consolidation of the national distribution network, enhance quality of service and turnaround its financial standing within the next few years."
Interested parties can purchase a copy of the tender document, including the Company’s requirements for this project and a description of the site, from Enemalta’s Central Administration Building at the Marsa Power Station, on weekdays between 0800hrs and 1500hrs. Further details about this call for offers can be obtained by contacting the Company’s Procurement Office on 2298 0736 or [email protected].
More information about Enemalta plc is available on www.enemalta.com.mt.