PM proposes committee on ‘black dust’, as PL voices its fury over broken promises

A notice of a parliamentary motion for the setting up of a parliamentary committee to discuss the source of the 'black dust' in the South, has led to a bold reaction from the Opposition who stressed: “the PM should be held personally responsible for damages.”

In a statement issued yesterday evening, Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi announced that he had given notice of a motion to set up a parliamentary committee to discuss the source of the black dust, that until yesterday was an issue being harped on by the PL that lashed out at the PM over his replies in parliament last Monday about the issue.

He said  the dust had not reappeared since August last year ,and “Mepa therefore had no samples to conduct further tests.”

But this claim was immediately shot down by labour environment spokesman Leo Brincat, that stressed that the PM was wrong to say that the black dust problem was  no more.

In the wake of the controversy, Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi said that the select committee he is proposing, will be presided by the Speaker and include two MPs from each side of the House.

Its task will be to collect all the facts about the issue and report to the House.

But PL MP Leo Brincat was quick to respond to the proposal, brandin the PM’s declaration was “shameful”and added that “he should be held personally responsibly to any damages suffered by the people in the past years because of the political impotence of his government regarding this issue.”

Brincat said that In making such a declaration, the Prime Minister was breaking a promise solve this problem, and showing insensitivity to the health concerns of the affected people.

He added that the PM was also confirming that he had never taken this problem seriously, because of the possibility that the black dust would lead him straight to the Marsa power station.

Alfred Galea
This guy changes his mind more often than a stripper changes G-strings.
Joe Tanti
the black dust,are we all living on the same island? I just have been sweeping the yard and the black dust is very much still evident,incidently I live in Paula not that far from Fgura and a lilttle farther away from Marsacala where our Premier lives,well maybethe Gonzis maid doesnt bother telling them about this problem knowing that at the moment Gonzi has more on his mind than dust.Resignations,Pole dancing, power stations etc.need I mention more. Is this the same politician who said that he has a sturdy pair of hands and an ear to the ground and his feet are planted solidly to the ground? May I give him humblily a small suggestion :when you put your ears to the ground be sure to wash them off the black dust so as to hear the moans of the people,grab a broom with those pair of sturdy hands sweep the dust off bubt dont sweep it under the carpet like you are doing with the cries and moans of the populace and finally dont just plant your feet,get up and resolve if you can of all ,not just the black dust problem. Finally I advice everyone residing in the black dust region to grab an envelope fill it up with a couple of teaspoons of this infamous dust and send it off to Mr.Gonzi residence in Marsaskala and Castille as evidence of this problem which according to the same Gonzi is "now non-exisdent".
Paul Sammut
What bull. 'The dust had not reappeared since August last year'. The prime minister must stop this habit of stating silly statements. This way no one will believe what he says any more. If this was a tactical move to divert the country's attention from the chain of foul stories appearing daily in the news, then it has back fired badly.