PN quiet on 'pole dancing' in Mosta club, and admits not reporting threats to police

Illegalities allegedly committed inside the PN club in Mosta were not reported to the police, MaltaToday newspaper reports this morning.

Investigations carried out by this newspaper, revealed that the “sacking” of the contractor who rented the PN club premises, have led to tensions inside PN administration, to the extent that serious threats were made towards the locality MPs.

An annual general meeting was held last Sunday morning amid tightened security, as the PN hired the services of a private security company to guard the doors, in a bid to quash any eventuality of retaliation against the MPs who attended.

According to the patrons, the PN Mosta ‘office’ was suddenly converted into a Soho-kind of club where young women would be seen dancing around poles until late at night.

Read more in today's issue of MaltaToday's Mid-Week issue available from all news agents

It seems that in this country the Police do have two measures for the same way.Four years ago when the Police raided the clubs in Paceville and Bugibba,they not only made the raid unexpectedly but also inhumanly mistreated the women when they arrested them and evicted them from the clubs in underwear into the street and later lost the case in courts.This time the police gave notice to the Mosta PN club.It seems that the difference was ONLY who are the owners of the club ????
Tant l-arroganza telghet ghall ras kullhadd li jidher li l-Partit tilef kull kontroll anke fuq karigi vicin tal aqlba tal-Partit. Wasalna fl-istess sitwazzjoni li konna fl-ahhar legizlatura ta- Partit Laburista tal-1981 / 1987
Quit whining.... Amidst PERJURY, TAX EVASION, LICENSE OFFICE CORRUPTION, HARASSMENT, WHISTLE BLOWERS DISCRIMINATION, BLACK DUST and so on and so on.... Why should we question a little POLE DANCING & perhaps PROSTITUTION on the side for the way GONZIPN run its political agenda at their clubs? Do you believe that all those yearly donations come from legitimate collections?
Alfred Galea
Must be a slow day for real news......
Maybe since these pole dancers lost a possible venue in Mistra Valley, everyone knows why, the dancers have moved to the PN club at Mosta.
Joe Tanti
PN POLE DANCING.This looks great ,but to enter these premises, have you got to be a member with a friend or a friend with a MEMBER? But seriously the PN are already looking an electoral defeat in the face ,they are already converting their clubs into moneymaking enterprises.I wonder who the ex-cCatholic Action president namely the honourable prime minister Dr.Lawrence Gonzi got to bless the premises as a a club?Could some member of the clergy enlighten us.I place a bet that no word will be uttered by these eminent persons so as not to to rock the PN boat. Another question :are these dancers duly registered and paying their national insurance contributions or are they going about their business just like the minister maid?
Michael Gauci
Can anyone go or do you have to be a member?
but Gonzi is furious about such things and above all he is the or going to be the patron saint of Malta instead of St.Paul- he will not tolerate such things not even when they arrested those ladies with bikinis(at Paceville) and the magistrate told everybody to go home- ............
Was GonziPN Vision 2015 hanging on the top of the Demochristian pole at the Kazin at Mosta?