Youth Voluntary Work Scheme launched
Minister Helena Dalli launches Youth Voluntary Work Scheme for 17 to 25 year-olds
Social Dialogue minister Helena Dalli launched a Youth Voluntary Work scheme earlier today. Dalli explained that the scheme targeted young people between the age of 17 and 25.
“This scheme will help young people in informal learning for young people as it will help them to learn a sense of community and gain skills that will be helpful in their professional lives,” Dalli said.
The voluntary work council chairman Nathan Farrugia explailned that the sector was in need of new and fresh ideas and that young people were the key to this desired energy.
The new voluntary work scheme will allow people to work with voluntary organisations for durations varying from one to twelve months, with 15 to 30 hours of service every week.
Farrugia said that participants would also be awarded a monthly stipend and a certificate for participation, which would be valid for academic accreditation, Youthpass and Europass.
“Giving young people a stipend for this initiative will encourage more people to participate as they normally feel that they cannot do voluntary work either due to their studies or because they need to make some money,” Dalli explained.
Farrugia further explained that young volunteers would be working with various organisations that have already expressed their interest to the council.
“There are already over 24 organisations that have expressed their interest in the project, and the application for organisations to be a part of this scheme will remain open indefinitely,” Farrugia said.
Dalli also pointed out that the scheme was part of the government's electoral manifesto.
“Voluntary work is enriching and makes us better people,” Dalli said, adding that many who start carrying out voluntary work at a young age often continued well into their adult lives.
Farrugia also explained that small leaflets would be handed out containing information on the scheme and the website ( where young people and organisations could apply for the scheme online.
“The scheme will close on 8th June and it will also see various educational institutions including University of Malta and Junior College promoting the scheme.