Environment, traffic impact studies needed for Busbesija shooting range

The proposed range is eliciting controversy after proponents U Group were selected to take over the surrounding area and rehabilitate the barracks, following an expression of interest issued in October 2013.

A planning application to MEPA for a shooting range at the Busbesija aircraft battery, is still at screening stage, awaiting a project description statement and restoration method statement for the rehabilitation of the military complex.

The proposed range is eliciting controversy after proponents U Group were selected to take over the surrounding area and rehabilitate the barracks, following an expression of interest issued in October 2013.

But the shooting range abuts on a well-patronised retreat home, Mount St Joseph, owned by the Jesuit Society, which says the range will kill the silence that is sought by hundreds who make use of the retreat home.

U Group, a Russian firm which devised a submarine for audiovisual services once tested by President Vladimir Putin himself, had already submitted a screening application to MEPA back on 31 December, 2012.

Parliamentary secretary for planning Michael Falzon told MaltaToday that MEPA issued a screening letter on 5 March, 2013, raising a number of issues on the proposed development and requesting drawings and information to enable its proper assessment.

“On submission of the requirements outlined in the screening letter, the application will be further screened for the need of any additional studies such as an Environmental Impact Assessment and a Traffic Impact Assessment. Further processing, from a planning point of view, which includes consultations with relevant government departments and agencies, will follow the outcome of these studies,” Falzon said.

The 6,898 square metre site at il-Busbesija was one of the four vacant government properties issued for conservation and management by the private sector, in an expression of interest by the Government Property Department in October 2013.

Although U Group had already started a screening process for its shooting range back in December 2012, despite the land earmarked not being their property, this does not prevent them from applying for a development permit.

“Anybody can submit an application to MEPA, but one must declare whether they are the owner of the property or otherwise. If the owner of the property is the government, even though MEPA may grant a development permit, this does not oblige the government to dispose of any property; the applicant is obliged to seek the consent of the landowner before any development starts,” Falzon told MaltaToday.

Apart from U Group, the other shortlisted applicants for the Busbesija site were a consortium called Busbesija Group of Investors, and Vassallo Builders Group.

The parliamentary secretary said that all proposals were assessed on their artistic concept, execution capacity and relative budgeting. “The proposal submitted by U Group was considered to have the most innovative concept, holistic approach and a feasible business projection.

“Once the advanced negotiations are concluded and agreement is reached on the proposed concession, then the award of this site in favour of the preferred proponent through an emphyteutical concession would have to be presented through a parliamentary resolution for the approval of the House of Representatives.”

Falzon said that in the event that discussions and negotiations with the preferred proponent fail for any reason whatsoever, then discussions with the other shortlisted applicants would commence.