Labour whip calls for national water governance strategy

Godfrey Farrugia warns that Malta's small size and dense population could leave it exposed to future water resource problems

Labour whip Godfrey Farrugia called on the government to adopt a national plan and strategy for water governance.

“Malta’s small size and dense population could leave it exposed to future problems with regards guaranteeing water and food in the future,” Farrugia said in his brief parliamentary adjournment. “While sewage is already recycled and waste already managed, the public isn’t fully aware of the water resources problems that future generations could face, and don’t spend smartly when buying food.”

He referred to this year’s Universal Exposition being held in Milan under the theme ‘Feeding the planet, energy for life’ and this December’s UN Climate Change Conference that will be held in Paris and that will aim to create a universal legally-binding agreement on climate change.

“International institutions all realize that we will face severe problems in the future if we don’t promote and tackle the climate change agenda now,” Farrugia said. “We must seriously take the environment and climate change into account when we speak about economic development.”