Mgr Mikiel Azzopardi to be beatified
Priest who founded Dar tal-Providenza 50 years ago to be beatified

Archbishop Charles Scicluna revealed that the beatification procedure for Mgr Mikiel Azzopardi will commence soon.
Azzopardi founded the residential home for persons with disability, Dar tal-Providenza, fifty years ago.
Scicluna has asked Fr Martin Micallef, present director of the home, to write a letter in order for the Archbishop to submit an official request to the Vatican and kickstart the procedure for Azzopardi’s beatification.
The news was welcomed parliamentary secretary for rights of persons with disability, Justyne Caruana, who expressed the government’s great happiness over the news.
“The concept which he created during his life, ‘Id-Dar tal-Providenza’, remains a living monument to his memory, along with the generous character of our people and those who give their utmost in the lives of persons with disability,” Caruana said.
Azzopardi introduced a concept of unique value for the global respect and dignity towards persons with disabiliy, in a period when society was less ready to accept equality.
The parliamentary secretariat said Azzopardi wasn’t only a living example of the priestly mission in the most genuine form, but was also a pioneer that inspired the people in aid of those that are conditioned by various disabilities.
It was the 12 September 1965, fifty years ago, when Fr Mikiel announced his wish to open a residence for those who had a disability which prevented them to live a normal life within their natural families.
This keen wish along the years blossomed to provide four residences in order to offer more width, attention and professional attention.
“As a Government we are determined to celebrate with facts what Mons. Azzopardi believed in and what he began implementing. He will remain a constant inspiration in all of our work. His dream was that not only that these people will get a better life, but also to contribute to the country’s life.
“This is exactly what we are doing as a Government, not only through agreements with educational and social entities or projects around Malta and Gozo, but also through a solid enforcement of laws that were structured along the years in favour of equality between all citizens.”
The government said Azzopardi’s beatification process will motivate it to work relentlessly in this sector.
“The Secretariat wishes that this process will move forward as quickly as possible in order to celebrate more of this exemplarily life of Mons Mikiel Azzopardi.”