Magistrate's brother hits out at Commission's 'interference' in judges' social lives

Labour MP in 'harsh' tirade against Commission for Administration of Justice for prying into the social lives of judiciary.

Labour MP and shadow justice minister Josè Herrera lashed out at the Commission for the Administration of Justice for “interfering in the private and social lives of judges and magistrates" and defended their right to throw parties, saying the judiciary had a tradition of entertaining people

Herrera is the brother of magistrate Consuelo Scerri Herrera, who reported Malta Independent columnist Daphne Caruana Galizia for criminal defamation in several blogposts concerning the magistrate’s personal life and parties she hosted, throwing a spotlight on the public behaviour of the judiciary.

Herrera, who is the son of the late judge Joseph Herrera, was speaking on Super One radio’s midday programme It-Tokk yesterday, where he even criticised the Chief Justice and the president of the Chamber of Advocates.

“Rather than wasting its time in victimising certain magistrates or judges by looking into their personal and social lives, the Commission for the Administration of Justice should look into the real problems that are hindering the normal administration of justice,” Herrera said about the constitutional body – which is chaired by the President of Malta – and oversees the work of the judiciary.

Herrera let rip during the programme, saying he had never been as harsh in public in his statements on the commission.

“I insist that whoever criticises the social lives of magistrates and judges has no background on lawyers: it is a known fact that judges used to seek homes with big halls to host dinner parties at least once a month,” Herrera said.

The Labour MP also recalled how the former pre-war Chief Justice Sir Arturo Mercieca had purchased a huge house close to the British Governor’s home, apparently in a bid to compete on the social circuit by hosting regular, lavish parties.

“My father had also bought a big house in St. Vincent Street in Sliema, and used to host regular dinner parties,” he added. “But why should the Commission ever have to delve into the social lives of the members of judiciary?” Herrera asked.

“Should judges be locked up in a convent when appointed to the bench?” he added. “Some stare at a wall and watch TV in the evening, others prefer to socialise.”

Herrera even said socialisation helped judges reflect on present-day realities when passing judgement.

He criticised Chief Justice Silvio Camilleri and his predecessor Vincent de Gaetano, for “assuming a political role” in their roles as head of the judiciary.

“A Chief Justice’s role is simply to preside over the Appeals Court, and never to be the general manager at the courts at the same time: where he executes the political responsibility of the justice minister, who seems to have washed his hands of any responsibility over the courts.”

Herrera proposed a parliamentary committee, chaired by the Opposition and with two members from each side, to oversee the work of the judiciary.

Herrera said he favoured the appointment of a president of the Constitutional Court – currently presided by the Chief Justice – that would be totally independent from all other courts, so as to avoid any possible conflict between judgements from the inferior courts.

The Labour MP also criticised the president of the Chamber of Advocates Andrew Borg Cardona: “To me he is not good for the post, he uses two weights and two measures. I know of two young lawyers who were fined by the Chamber for accepting to an interview by the media. They were fined because of this ridiculous rule that lawyers cannot advertise their services, when a simple Google search reveals a long list of financial services lawyers and their firms, which is tantamount to advertising.”

Josè Herrera writes (8th October):

I state that when I criticised the Chamber of Advocates on double standards I limited this solely to one aspect. This referred to the Code of Ethics which prohibits members of the legal profession from advertising. I remarked that in this day and age, there are many law firms who do this continuously on the internet, and these are never reprimanded. On the other hand, occasionally, other lawyers who seek to publicise themselves indirectly on the media, have been known to be censored. This to me is unacceptable. I never stated that two lawyers were fined by the president of the Chamber of Advocates.

Referring to my comments on the president of the Chamber of Advocates what I stated was that to my mind he has good attributes and also bad ones; like everyone else after all.

With regards to the Commission, I did not criticise this specifically for interfacing in the social life of the members of the judiciary. I criticised it generally, for dedicating much time in investigating members of the judiciary on issues of secondary importance (like their participation in sport organisation) and seem to fail to treat with the same urgency and importance issues directly connected with the administration of justice. In this respect I refer to issues concerning serious unwarranted delays and the failure of certain members of the judiciary to perform according to the dictates of their office.

anna calleja
Mr Stagno-Navarra, I congratulate you for the article above. As far as I can tell, the very significant statements made by the shadow Justice Minister, Dr. Jose Herrera during the Super One radio’s midday programme It-Tokk on the 7th. October 2010, were not reported by TV stations and other media. What a shame! Such important controversial statements are front page news material, as they give us voters an insight of the personalities who aspire to be top Ministers in the near future. Keep it up!
Alfred Galea
Leon, you've talked the talk, now walk the's no use telling us what you did and investigated and learned and blah blah blah....JUST DO IT.
anna calleja
Dear Joe, you state: “if you have ANYTHING new to add to that case talk to the CAJ, maybe they'll reopen the case.” The REOPENING of a case, presupposes that the case has been closed! Who says the case has been closed? The CASE or most probably the CASES are STILL ongoing! You also state that : “The fact that you go by what's written on that blog doesn't say much about you I'll tell you.” I sincerely do not care much what you think of me; if I feel certain and justified in taking certain action, other people’s negative opinion does not hinder me. But please, read carefully the second sentence you quoted above: “A couple of weeks ago I managed to get specific information about this matter….” Don’t wreck your mind in trying to interpret this complicated statement! :)
How about the Chamber of Advocates investigating Melita's arrogance? A lawyer wrote to Melita advising them that a client did not want to continue with their services. They wrote back to the client and not to the lawyer and wanted the client to sign a declaration that she did not want their services and to include a copy of her ID Card. In spite of the lawyer writing back and advising them that when a lawyer sends a letter on behalf of a client they should contact the lawyer and not the client, and again advising them that the client did not want their service, they again sent a similar letter to the client. This is sheer arrogance by Melita for they are trying to undermine the client-lawyer relationship and questioning the right of the lawyer to write on behalf of his clients apart from not having any right to have a copy of the client's ID Card. WHAT ARE THE AUTHORITIES INCLUDING MCA AND THE DATA PROTECTION COMMISSIONER GOING TO DO ABOUT THIS ILLEGALITY BY MELITA? What is the Chamber of Advocates going to do about this undermining of client-lawyer relationship by Melita?
Alfred Galea
[Since a few months ago, like most people I got an inkling from reading a particular blog that the Magistrate was unethically involved in a business deal with a lawyer from Gozo. A couple of weeks ago I managed to get specific information about this matter and I see nothing wrong in sharing such an aberration, or deviation from the correct path in the administration of justice, with others. I’m only doing it because I verified the information, hence my reference to the relevant official documents in my first comment.] Leon, just because the blogger puts something on her blog it doesn't mean that it's true....the magistrate was investigated and up to now nothing has come out of it. Now, if you have ANYTHING new to add to that case talk to the CAJ, maybe they'll reopen the case. ABC sits on that committee, I'm pretty sure he'll be interested in what you have to say. The fact that you go by what's written on that blog doesn't say much about you I'll tell you.
anna calleja
As I said before Chris, each one of us has had his say about this matter and should leave others to comment further! I would just add that UNETHICAL ACTION BY A MEMBER OF THE JUDICIARY IS NEVER SMALL FISH! Let me refer you to a very relevant article, just put on line, dealing with a story from Malta Today, published in April 2002, when the newspaper ran a series of articles about corruption. Happy reading.
Leon to be totally honest no i did not know about the said matter ( I work abroad ) but if you have said is true then please be a little patient with me .Why would you bring such an allegation out on a blog this puzzles me slightly .To do what exactly to discredit Consuelo i cannot understand this part ....If you have prove and i am in no way disputing this why not take action against the said person .I am a little perplexed with the way this came to light im sorry i am in no way being arrogant i am just puzzled . You say and i admire this that you enjoy looking at Maladministration of justice well with what we are currently seeing on a daily basis in perspective this is a very small fish in a large pond i think . Just my opinion Leon . @ Truth agree totally .
What is wrong about lawyers advertising? Doesn't everyone advertise his services? How would one know about new lawyers if they don't advertise their services? And does not the list of advocates on the Chamber's website amount to advertising? And does not having a blog and writing for newspapers amount to advertising? Doesn't the Chamber believe in the freedom to provide services which obviously include advertising? Are lawyers not allowed to advertise because new lawyers may take clients previously using services provided by old established lawyers? Change the law if need be and if not get the European Union to investigate because this is an obstacle to the freedom to provide services as people cannot know about the services being offered if you are not allowed to advertise.
Let's not forget that a particular blogger who has been taken to court for slander is a friend of the president of CofA, and the case revolves around a private get together by a magistrate.
anna calleja
Chris, I assure you that I have no special investigative attributes and do not yearn for any! Like you and everyone else, I talk to people and as the Maltese saying goes ‘il-kliem bac-cirasa’, information comes out naturally. Our brain discards a lot of this information; at times a particular item hits our sensibility and stirs our interest. For instance, innuendos of a sexual nature do not interest me at all. Maladministration of justice is a different kettle of fish. I’m really surprised that you do not find extremely disturbing, the fact that a Magistrate signs a ‘konvenju’ to purchase a property with a lawyer when she is presiding court cases in which he is a party at the same time. WHAT SORT OF JUSTICE CAN ONE EXPECT UNDER SUCH CIRCUMSTANCES. It is very clear that there was some ‘new news’ in my initial comment, as you for one, did not know about it. Or perhaps you knew about it and thought it was better to sweep it under the carpet. I believe that each one of us has had his say about this matter and should leave others to comment further!
Leon ,So why if i may ask on an inkling from a blog did you decide to further investigate this particular case and for what means . Whilst i agree that corruption is rampant in Malta and i believe we have seen clear cut cases that whilst we know they are true they have not been acted upon .We all read newspaper's watch the news ect . Conflict of interest like Joe remarked it reads for all the Judicial system as a whole not just his sister . Leon if you investigated everything the blogger chose to write upon maybe i could understand a little better but without sounding arrogant and at the risk of repeating myself what new news are you bringing into this conversation .
anna calleja
Joe you state: ‘It HAS been investigated already, you're not bringing anything new into the equation.’ I beg to differ. Since a few months ago, like most people I got an inkling from reading a particular blog that the Magistrate was unethically involved in a business deal with a lawyer from Gozo. A couple of weeks ago I managed to get specific information about this matter and I see nothing wrong in sharing such an aberration, or deviation from the correct path in the administration of justice, with others. I’m only doing it because I verified the information, hence my reference to the relevant official documents in my first comment. You go on to state: ‘Best example is a lawyer MP who defends a client who breaks the law that the lawyer MP himself helped enact.’ I direct the same question to you which you asked me previously: “What are you trying to say??” You state further: “Remember too that Herrera is a lawyer and he knows what's going on in the justice system better than you or me....I don't think he's gonna put his and his sister's reputation on the line just for the sake of it.” In actual fact, I really believe that Dr. Jose Herrera, being the shadow minister for Justice, has blundered badly in attacking the Chief Justice. That’s how one puts one’s reputation on the line! We are all human and none of us is immune from erring!
Alfred Galea
Leon, so if this stark "conflict of interest" case was investigated and is under consideration why bring it up?? It HAS been investigated already, you're not bringing anything new into the equation. As for Herrera's "harsh" tirade, first remember that blood is thicker than water and second he wasn't just speaking for his sister he was speaking for all judges and magistrates UNLESS you believe that Consuelo is the only one who throw these parties. As for conflict of interest, EVERYTHING that happens in Malta, someone, somewhere, sometime has a conflict of interest. Best example is a lawyer MP who defends a client who breaks the law that the lawyer MP himself helped enact. Remember too that Herrera is a lawyer and he knows what's going on in the justice system better than you or me....I don't think he's gonna put his and his sister's reputation on the line just for the sake of it. As for everybody doing something about corruption THAT has to start with the government, especially the ministry of justice.
anna calleja
Joe, Dr. Josè Herrera lashed out at the Commission for the Administration of Justice, the ex-chief Justice as well as the present one. The Chief Justice is the ex-officio Deputy Chairman of the Commission for the Administration of Justice and Dr. Josè Herrera considers them as a serious threat to his sister Magistrate Consuelo Scerri Herrera. I am informed that this stark ‘conflict of interest’ case involving the Magistrate I mention below, was investigated and is currently under consideration of the Commission. Dr. J. Herrera is obviously fretful and irritable about the matter hence his 'harsh' tirade as reported above. Chris A said that ‘Leon's comment is a case of sour grapes’. Chris this is a classic case of ‘conflict of interest’ and goes diametrically against the established ethical standards of the judiciary. Corruption has become so rampant in this country that we should all do our bit to remedy evil and stop injustice.
Sippost dawn in nies l-Imhalfin u l-Magistrati ghandhom ikunu taezempju lis socjeta imma bdawn il parties li jaghtu jien xejn ma naqbel maghhom ghax nahseb xi naqra tgerfijx ikun hemm kemm mentalment kif ukoll clerikalment nahseb li dawn il parties ma jsirux ghalxejn Dr Herrera
The answer to Jose's question whether members of the judiciary should be locked up in a convent is yes. Only yesterday Mr Justice Sciberras used the same metaphor in a different context. The way Jose' talks is as if the primary role of the judiciary is to organize dinner parties. I have never heard this anecdote about Sir Arturo Mercieca but I have heard stories that in the old days, judges used to entertain exclusively each other and not socialize with third parties, of judges like Harding who would only attend a wedding to hand the gift to the spouses, take a picture with them and leave soon after and of a judge who reported a friend who asked him for legal advice to the governor. This was the stuff judges of old were made. I am no conservative but I am not for change for change's sake. The same applies to what he terms as the ridiculous rule regarding advertising by lawyers. If I were a client, I would be wary of a lawyer who feels that he needs to advertize his services for it shows that his talents are not well appreciated to the extent that his clientele is nurtured on its own. Joe Ellis.
A certain Maltese expression comes to mind here. One about some people with their face looking like their butt.
@ Joe it seem's like Leon's comment is a case of sour grapes to me not a comment remotely of any significance to Dr Herrera's speech.
Alfred Galea
Leon, why don't you take THAT case up with the Commission for the Administration of Justice?? What are you trying to say?? As for Andy Borg Cardona, he's just a PN shill, no more, no less. Stuff his belly with a plate of pasta and you'll get what you want off him.
It seem's we are reading different stories here.. Where was Lavish parties mentioned .. Dinner parties yes i read so i think it unwise to jump to conclusion's . Dinner parties are of course a pretty normal way of socialising i believe it can contain ten ,twenty person's . .....Re Andrew Borg Cardona i totally agree he is not the man for the post as he most certainly knows how to google well he should with the amount of time he spend's on his friend " The Blogger's " site . If i needed an advocate one of the first places i would head for is Google .
anna calleja
Does Dr. Josè Herrera regard the following as prying into the social lives of the judiciary. Magistrate Consuelo Scerri Herrera signed a promise of sale (konvenju) with Dr. Carmelo Galea to purchase a property in Msida for Lm175,000 (Kuntratt tal-10 ta’ Novembru 2005 – 124036/2005) when she was presiding court cases in Gozo in which Dr. Carmelo Galea himself was a party. Only four weeks after signing this konvenju with Dr. C. Galea, Magistrate Scerri Herrera gave a court decree accepting Dr. C. Galea’s request to sell ‘a million Maltese Liri’ villa in Gozo (part of a bequest of which Dr. C. Galea was a testamentary executor) to a partner of his in a company called Gozowide Properties Ltd (Registration No. C 5931) to the exclusion of other interested parties who had previously petitioned the Court to purchase the same property.
Criticizing who?, dr. DeGaetano and chief justice Silvio camilleri ? They are two nice people who noone can say anyhting bad on them. why dont Dr.Herrera praise the previous one before Dr.DeGeatano. ;-) Noone is above the law Dr.Herrera ;-)
John Mifsud
Dr Herrera is very right about the selective manner the 'no advertising' rule is applied. The Chamber's own website only lists those lawyers who in effect pay to be listed. If this is not 'advertising', what is?
Jon Sciberras
Its actually quite true about the lavish parties. But let me remind you how many odd things use to happen during some of them, just read about it, its what I heard and read. I am sure one cannot condemn a high official to host a party, but every month, what is he trying to say, surely a party with 100 guests would cost you at least say 2000 euros at least. Multiply it by 12 or 14 (Easter and Christmas), Eur28,000. Sounds pretty ominous to me. I think Dr.Herrera over-reacted to his sister being in the limelight and done a Tonio Fenech here.