MUMN demands urgent meeting over bids to privatise hospitals

MUMN demands urgent meeting with health minister over possible part-privitisation of three hospitals 

The Malta Union of Midwives and Nurses today called for an urgent meeting with health minister Konrad Mizzi and junior minister Chris Fearne following the announcement that Vitalis Global Healthcare/Bluestone; Image Hospitals and BSP Investments Ltd answer government’s call for proposals for a services concession for the management and operation of three hospitals.

The bids were submitted in reply to a call for proposals issued by the government for a services concession for the management and operation of St Luke’s Hospital, Karin Grech Rehabilitation Hospital and Gozo General Hospital.

MUMN said it was approached by a number of members who expressed their apprehension over the possibility of working under private management.

“Although we were given a guarantee that no jobs will be shed and all collective agreements will be respected, MUMN still has concerns over the management of the hospitals.”