MUT ‘concerned about proposed MCAST reform
MUT sends Education minister letter about the proposed reforms at MCAST

The Malta Union of Teachers (MUT) wrote to the Minister for Education and Employment about the proposed MCAST reform announced recently.
In their letter, the union asked a series of questions, including whether this proposed reform was another fait accompli due to the fact that MCAST had already issued applications for Heads of Colleges when lecturers had hardly had the time to digest proposals and the MUT had not submitted its feedback.
MUT also asked about the roles of such heads of colleges, and what the new role of director of institutes will entail. They also questioned whether it makes sense to establish three colleges within an institution which is already a college and whether it makes sense to merge institutes to create an institute over 1,200 students.
Additionally, MUT asked how MCAST is going support this change and what the additional cost per annum of this reform will be.
MUT concluded that it will not allow changes in job descriptions or redundancies that may come into effect as a result of the proposed changes.
“We expect MCAST to formulate and present a clear organigram and manpower plan for the proposed structure,” MUT said in their statement.