[WATCH] New campaign to tackle 'alarming' drink driving situation
89.7 Bay launch #Dontrisk campaign to raise awareness about the dangers of drink driving

89.7 Bay have launched a social campaign, #dontrisk, to raise awareness about the dangers of driving under the influence of alcohol.
"The drink driving situation in Malta has become alarming," Eden Leisure Group's Kevin DeCesare Jr addressed the launch of the campaign at Waterbiscuit Restaurant. "Drink driving accounted for 13% of all road fatalities in 2012, and yet only 1% of the population know what the legal limit is."
The campaign is sponsored by several public and private entities.
"We often take things for granted, and think that a few drinks won't affect concentration for a short drive, but that's often when accidents happen'" Social Solidarity Minister Michael Farrugia said.
He also warned that people with psychological problems who drink drive below the legal limit are far more likely to get into an accident than those without those problems.
Competitiveness parliamentary secretary Jose Herrera praised Eden's previous StopHate campaign against cyber-bullying.
"Eden is very close to our youth and their voice can make a dufference'" he said. "The Maltese like to party a lot, which is a good thing, but sometimes youth are immature. Ifwe make it popular not to drink and drive and make those who do seem unpopular, then I think we'll be doing a lot of good."
As part of the campaign, a website has been set up at www.dontrisk.com.mt which includes information about the laws surrounding such matters, legal alcohol limits, and how alcohol affects driving.
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