Time to consult on the Maltese language
Ministry for Education launches document on Maltese language for consultation

The Ministry for Education took matters into its own hands after newly published guidelines issued by the National Council for the Maltese Language on countries and their citizens did not go down well with the general public.
Amongst others, what a Dutch person is usually referred to in Maltese as ‘Olandiż.’ will now become ‘Netherlandiż’.
In the launch of its consultation document, the Ministry for Education pointed out that the Maltese language was a relative restricted one but nonetheless a language that has become an intrinsic part of the Maltese identity: “It must be treated with the necessary respect and protection it requires.”
The document concedes that technology is leaving its footprint in the use of the language but it is also negatively affecting both written and spoken Maltese and English.
“It’s time to have an in depth discussion on consistency and uniformity in the use of the Maltese language.”
For example, the ministry proposes a clear distinction between written and spoken Maltese; since Malta was never monolingual, the choice of new words or terminology should not be only influenced by English or American.
The functions of the Council are also up for consultation.
The document will be available on the education ministry’s website as from Monday. Consultation will close on 6 August.