Loopholes for ODZs should be removed - Front Harsien ODZ

'The SPED should be a planning instrument with clear and binding policies aimed at  defending the common good and not a vague document aimed at greenwashing ODZ developments like the one proposed at Zonqor'

Front Harsien ODZ  is calling on the  the government to strike off two clauses within the Strategic Plan for Environment and Development (SPED) that is currently being discussed in Parliament.   

According to the draft SPED, development may be permitted in outside development zones where no other feasible alternatives exists in urban areas. It also states that projects of a “sustainable” nature can be permitted in ODZ land “as a last resort where it is essential for the achievement of sustainable development.  

“The SPED should be a planning instrument with clear and binding policies aimed at  defending the common good and not a vague document aimed at greenwashing ODZ developments like the one proposed at Zonqor.”

The Front also expressed agreement with Din l-Art Helwa which has also called for the removal of the two clauses. Front Harsien ODZ also supported  a previous proposal by Friends of the Earth Malta to include an article in SPED which declares Malta’s ODZ  a protected zone and part of the common natural heritage of the Maltese people.

The Front noted that Malta has already lost too much of its ODZ land thanks “to mistaken decisions taken in past years” adding that Malta “cannot afford to lose more of our land.”

Front Harsien ODZ described the  construction in ODZ areas is incompatible with sustainable development except in a few cases where such development is needed for agriculture or for  infrastructure which is necessary for the common good  like sewage treatment plants which cannot be located within development zones.  

In all cases involving profit making activities development should be located within the development zone.  

“Instead of containing generic loopholes which create more uncertainity, the SPED should seek to close any loopholes by including a clear presumption against ODZ development.”