1,085 students apply for revision classes
Sec revision classes started earlier today, with 1,012 students attending in Malta and 73 in Gozo

A total of 1,085 students have applied for this year’s revision classes which started earlier this morning, according to a government statement.
“These students will attend a total of 1,996 classes, since a considerable number of students applied for more than one subject,” it reads.
It explained that some 1,012 students will be attending the classes in two locations in Malta, while a further 73 will attend the classes in Gozo.
“434 students will be following Maltese classes, 553 will be attending English classes, 694 will be attending mathematics classes and some 315 will be attending Physics classes,” the statement adds.
The statement further explains that revision classes form part of the Youth Guarantee initiative, and aim to help students who didn’t succeed in getting a 5 or better in the May examination session have another go in the September one.
“The measure, which is partly funded by the EU, is now in its second year, and statistics published following the first year of revision classes had shown that students who took up the free-of-charge classes improved their grade in the September session when compared to those who didn’t.”