Health ministry has no idea of revenue Mater Dei car park generates, but Parksec get paid €100,000 and keep all the fees

And health ministry collects €92,000 from Mater Dei employees who use Parksec-managed car park.

Illum newspaper reports on how the health ministry is paying Parksec company €62,000 to manage the Mater Dei car park while the company retains hundreds of thousands in parking fees.

But the ministry has no idea what revenue the car park is generating at Mater Dei!

Parksec also gets €37,000 from the ministry for a special car park it manages for 50 parking spaces for renal unit patients.

And between 2008 and April 2010, the ministry took back €92,000 in parking fees paid by Mater Dei employees who use the car park.

READ MORE in today’s Illum newspaper


BACKGROUND: Mater Dei’s million-euro haemorrhage

More money for nothing

Auditor General confirms €4.6 million spending spree of direct orders

Joseph Grech
Can this be a fairy tale? Job or service getting easy money which generates 10x Euros which under normal circumstances (capital investments - in this case it is parking facilities at Mater Dei built with tax payers' money) should generate net profits of 2x. Since little capital investments were made by the company, actual net profits = 10x less 1x (expenses) less 35% tax on revenue = approx 6x. The profits are divided (possibly 50:50) between the operating company (3x instead of 2x) and un-audited contributions to a political organization.
Alfred Galea
Anybody knows who are the owners/shareholders/management of Parksec??
Jon Sciberras
Hey, this is like the story of the attendant at the British zoo . A man who pretended to be a car park attendant at Britain's Bristol Zoo for 25 years made off with millions of pounds worth of ill-gotten parking fees and now resides in a villa in Spain?. Which was found to be false, but fantastic as it sound similar is the true !!.
Luke Camilleri
Issa nafu fejn qedin il-baqar li jahilbu li kellu darba il-pajjiz ul-Poplu jinhaleb bit-taxxi! Jekk tmur darba fil-gimgha tar pazjent l-isptar , il-parking jehodlok iz-zieda kollha li sejjer jaghti dak il-qamiel ta' Tonio Fenech!
Paul Sammut
'The ministry has no idea what revenue the car park is generating' a.k.a 'How to be an accomplice in screwing the people.'