‘They wanted to kill me and put me six feet under’ – John Dalli

Weekly newspaper Torca and PL newspaper Kulhadd today reported John Dalli’s interview on Bla Agenda, quoting him as saying “they wanted to kill me and put me six feet under”.

On the program aired weekly on One TV, Former PN Minister John Dalli insisted that his 2004 resignation still has to be shouldered by political responsibility.

Zahra was commissioned by Dutch firm Simed, to investigate the award of a Mater Dei contract. His report was handed to the Prime Minister, who then gave the report to the Commissioner of Police to investigate. John Dalli said he was forced to resign, when the PM told him he "could not have a minister under investigation.”

Dalli claimed he never  in his life was under investigation.

Asked to comment if he  thinks whether the two weights and two measures system is being used, Dalli said that he does not want to make comparisons.

“All I’m saying that what was done to me was wrong and we cannot just simply say we found a person who conjured the whole report and jail him. Investigators have to ask: who used the report, who hired him who was the mastermind behind it all?”

 Zahra fabricated his ‘private investigator’s’ report implicating Dalli in a corruption scandal around a Mater Dei hospital tender. The report claimed meetings between the daughter of Joe Spiteri, the director of contracts, and the minister’s brother Sebastian Dalli, took place in Italy with an Inso director to collect a €2.3 million kickback.

“I came to know that the person behind the report had a contract with the company which wanted to win the machinery contract of San Raffaele,” Dalli said. “If the company would have managed to win the contract, he would be paid two million Euros.”

The now EU Commissioner also stressed the fact that the plan was not just to destroy his political career but also to make people believe that he could not be trusted.

“They wanted to kill me and bury me six feet under. They wanted me completely out of the Maltese political scenario, completely distrusted.”

I don't blame Dalli for speaking up and only a cretin would dispute the job they did on him - who ordered it and why. My only question is - why did he not speak at election time for example, instead of throwing his weight behind gonzi - no wonder we have issues with democracy. And all the people that the taxman has ruined in this country, as well as those who go without and whose life is a daily struggle - and all the future people who will not be able to afford their medication and will die as a result after more than a billion euroes were swallowed by Mater Dejn (Dalli is very clear were he stands on this issue) ... all these people would like to know how Dalli afforded his life style at Portomaso? Want justice Mr Dalli ? Why not come clean on the criminal operations your ex friends in goverment are involved in. Write a book and reveal the river of shit that this country truly floats on. It seems to me - that you only want vedetta, not justice. Give us Maltese some justice and you would have redeemed yourself in our eyes.
Not to be alarmed and sorry to hear what was done to Mr.Dalli, I believe a similar tactic was done with me, Carmel Joseph Farrugia, eks P.L. Parliamentary candidate and eks Antsat international and Antsat Malta C.E.O. I had even asked the Prime Minister to investigate the matter, but although that he promised me , I had never received any feedback from no one. At least, the eks Sliema Mayor, had been given the opportunity to express his views on One T.V., but I was not. I do not anything that does not belong to me, but what is mine I want it, and now or then, I will take it. For those that they want to hear my story, can contact with me on my e-mail : [email protected] Thank you.