IT lawyers call on minister to reverse ETC Facebook ban
After ETC chief executive's 'brains, boobs and balls' Facebook comment, Malta IT Lawyers Association calls for social media training amongst civil servants
The Malta IT Lawyers Association (MITLA) has called on Employment Minister Evarist Bartolo to reverse a decision to ban Facebook amongst Employment and Training Corporation senior management.
In a statement, MITLA said that the government would do better to train civil servants in social media ethics and policies, as has recently been introduced by the UK government.
“The use of social media is part of the building blocks that form the country’s communication network,” MITLA said. “Dealing with social media misuse requires norms, guidelines and education rather than blanket banning.”
Bartolo’s controversial decision came after ETC chief executive Philip Rizzo commented on a Facebook photo of the ETC’s head of the EU Funded Schemes Division that she “is the only ETC Head of Division with the three Bs…Brains, Boobs and Balls!!!!...she’s a very capable lady.”
In response, Olivia Farrugia said: “Of course boss, I’m the only HoD [Head of Department] with the 2nd B. I’m the only woman Head of Department.”
Bartolo has refused to fire Rizzo from his position and has claimed that the Facebook blanket ban was “not necessarily” tied to his Facebook post.
“Social media is part of modern life and any government should not lose the opportunity to use this tool to assist it in open policy making, better customer service and vibrant interaction with citizens,” MITLA said. “An indiscriminate ban sends the wrong message. A normative code which advocates propriety and ethics is a far better option.”