[WATCH] Muscat reacts as NGO equates embryo freezing to 'abortion'
Life Network Malta states that the general public, in its absolute majority, does not support the proposed changes

The pro-life NGO Life Network has come out against the proposed introduction of embryo freezing in Malta, claiming that it was "another form of abortion".
“The freezing of embryos and their subsequent disposal after a number of years, is no more than another form of abortion - this time carried out outside the womb,” Life Network spokesperson Klaus Vella Bardon said in a statement.
Muscat told reporters on Monday morning that embryo freezing was a position of “common sense”.
“We want a better law and if it is to be effective, then it must make use of cutting-edge technology while respecting ethical values. I have expressed my position, which has been known for years,” he said.
Arguing that he had supported the initial law because the country needed such legislation, Muscat pointed out that he had made it clear that a Labour government would study other options.
“The inter-ministerial committee is taking its course to evaluate the proposals. I expressed my opinion because I believe it’s a position of common sense. If technology can help people become parents, then I’m going to stand by their side,” Muscat said.
On his part, PN MP Clyde Puli this morning confirmed that the Nationalist Party was discussing its position on the matter. “We are currently discussing the matter at hand and will issue a position once we reach our conclusion,” he said.
MaltaToday on Sunday revealed that Prime Minister Joseph Muscat was resolute to introduce embryo freezing, and that additional - or super-numerary - embryos that are not claimed by parents beyond their fertility age would be given up for adoption.
The Embryo Protection Act currently outlaws embryo freezing, and limits the fertilization of female eggs to just two ova, while the rest of the ova produced during the stimulation process are frozen for their later fertilization. Only under permission by the Embryo Protection Authority can a couple increase their chances of pregnancy by increasing the number of fertilized eggs to three.
The health ministry is currently carrying out a review of the Embryo Protection Act, which was the first piece of legislation to address Malta’s unregulated protocols for in vitro fertilization.
The prime minister said that under the new law that is to be proposed, the number of eggs that can be fertilized will increase to five. Of these fertilized eggs, a maximum of two embryos will be able to be implanted in the mother at one go.
In IVF, it is never a guarantee that each single egg that gets harvested from a woman, will eventually produce an embryo once fertilized. Muscat told MaltaToday that if out of those five eggs, more than two embryos are produced, the remainder will be frozen so that they can be re-used again by the couple for another cycle.
Life Network however insisted that “recent statistics” have shown that the success rate with the vitrification of ova - egg freezing - is at least as high.
“There is no mention of the fundamental issue of human embryo protection in the proposed changes. Intentional freezing of human life is a grave offence to intentionally created human life. This notwithstanding the fact that, according to official statistics, we currently employ a technique that is giving good results without the need to freeze embryos,” Vella Bardon said.
“There is no mention of the best interests of the child born of donor egg and donor sperm technologies. This is a grave injustice to the child who, with no vote and defenceless, will be orphaned at conception.”
Vella Bardon hit out at the inter-ministerial committee set up to review the proposed changes, arguing that it was nothing more than a smokescreen, and that the wide consultations supposedly held with the public nothing but a farce.
“Life Network Malta appeals to the Prime Minister, Leader of the Opposition and all MPs who are pro-life to resist any changes that could endanger or objectify nascent human life. The devaluation of human embryonic life sets us on the downward spiral that inevitably leads to abortion.”
Life Network Malta said the country “should be proud of the techniques and pregnancy success rates we have achieved without sacrificing human embryonic lives in the process, particularly in the face of pressure from countries who legislate for abortion and who have long abandoned any respect for human embryonic lives.”
Vella Bardon insisted that the freezing of embryos and their subsequent disposal after a number of years, is no more than another form of abortion - this time carried out outside the womb.
“Furthermore, sperm and egg donation, as well as surrogacy, creates children with anonymous parents. Children have a right to know their parents; children are not toys or objects of convenience, which can be bought or sold on a whim,” he said.
“Life Network Malta is issuing this press release in order to alert the general public who, in their absolute majority, do not support the proposed changes. All people of goodwill, irrespective of political ties, religious groupings or sexual orientation, should rise to the occasion and oppose these latest attacks on human life.
“One can only appreciate what he/she had once it is lost. We risk losing the Malta that we know: A Malta that once cared and protected with dignity the life of each single person from conception till natural death.”