Alleged victims of paedophile priests still await justice
Defrocked priest was one of at least three clergy members who sexually abused minors in Gozo home 30 years ago, alleged victim says

One of the alleged victims of the defrocked paedophile priest Dominic Camilleri told MaltaToday that the Gozo Bishop, Mario Grech, had been informed about the sexual abuse of children resident at Dar San Guzepp in Ghajnsielem, in 2006.
However, the alleged victim said that although an ad hoc commission appointed by Grech had concluded that the sexual abuse had taken place at the home, no action was taken against at least two other perpetrators and “the victims still await justice”.
Some 10 years ago, 42-year-old Noel Gauci had gone public about the abuse he suffered, however he told MaltaToday that he has little hope in seeing justice being done.
“Apart from Camilleri, at least two other priests were involved in the abuse and both of them are still in active pastoral duty,” Gauci told MaltaToday.
He explained that Camilleri – who was dismissed by the Vatican over several allegations of sexual abuse on minors – visited Dar San Guzepp frequently before 1990.
Allegedly, Camilleri and at least two other priests would touch, kiss and demand to be masturbated by the boys resident at Dar San Guzepp.
“This did not happen occasionally, these things happened frequently,” he added.
Gauci – who was abandoned by his mother at birth – lived in Dar San Guzepp between the ages of 11 and 17, during which time some 20 boys were resident.
“The bishop is sitting on a 100-page report in which it was concluded that the abuse took place, however he has never acted upon the findings and obviously he has not asked the police to take any action,” Gauci said.
Gauci and other alleged victims were interviewed by the commission, which handed over its final report in 2008.
Asked whether he and the other victims were planning any further action, Gauci said that he held little hope because it was up to the Church to take action.
He added that after accusing the police of inaction when interviewed on television in 2010, a police inspector had threatened to arrest him if he dared repeat the allegation.
“The police had told me that they could not take any action because the claims are time-barred,” Gauci said.
Last week, the Gozo curia told MaltaToday that Camilleri had been defrocked in March 2015 following an investigation over the sexual abuse of underage boys in Nadur, Gozo, which commenced in 2002.
The abuse took place over a number of years but details are scarce since the victims and the Church authorities never reported the case to the police.
However, MaltaToday is informed that the abuse took place in a number of locations, including the Nadur sacristy and a premises used by altar boys.
Before residing at Dar San Guzepp in Ghajnsielem, Gauci resided at a foster home in the same village where boys and girls were physically abused by nuns.
In 2008, Grech and the late former bishop Nikol Cauchi apologised to those who suffered abuse at Lourdes Home in Ghajnsielem.