French lobbied Barnier on Delimara, in return for toned-down reaction on Roma expulsion

In Brussels, Malta asked French diplomats to lobby 'Delimara' commissioner Michel Barnier in return for toned down reaction to Roma people deportation.

The French government brokered a tacit agreement with the Maltese government not to raise any principled objections to the deportation of Roma people from France, in return for their intervention with European Commissioner Michel Barnier on the Delimara power station infringement procedures.

MaltaToday is reliably informed that Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi’s lukewarm reaction in September to the French government’s deportation of Roma people, came after a meeting between high-level diplomats on Malta’s own problems with Brussels.

Specifically, Malta’s envoys asked their French counterparts to intervene with Barnier – commissioner for the internal market and services and a former agriculture minister in the Sarkozy government – on his tough line with the government, when he raised serious doubts on legal amendments that favoured Danish firm BWSC’s bid for a diesel turbine previously ruled out by Malta’s emission laws.

The Maltese government agreed on its part to issue a stripped-down reaction to the controversial deportation of Roma people at the end of summer, which the European Commission said was illegal and opened infringement procedures.

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi took a cautious stand on the expulsion of the Roma, simply saying the Commission was ‘duty-bound’ to investigate but stopped stopped short of affirming a clear stand of disapproval. “France has accepted this and one hopes this matter is cleared in the next weeks, to see whether EU directives were infringed or not. We await the outcome of those investigations.”

His statement had been criticised only by Alternattiva Demokratika, who deplored the PM’s ‘wait and see’, describing it as “a servile attitude and a lack of dignity and self respect on the part of the Maltese government.”

“The Maltese government should not be silenced by the shouting of big countries, in this case France, but should instead speak out clearly in favour of what is right, according to the rule of law and EU treaties,” AD international affairs spokesperson Arnold Cassola had said.

France has abided by a European Commission deadline at the last minute by submitting information on how it intends to align its national legislation with EU laws on the free movement of people, but the country remains under scrutiny to determine whether its summer crackdown on illegal Roma camps amounted to discrimination on the basis of ethnicity, the Commission said.

Brussels however is still seeking answers from Malta into the last-minute changes to emission laws that gave BWSC a €200 million contract for the construction of a 144-MW diesel-fired turbine for the Delimara power station.

“The change was not necessary to comply with European legislation as the Maltese authorities seemed to indicate [but] to benefit one of the exceptions to the applicability of the Large Combustion Plant Directive,” Michel Barnier told foreign minister Tonio Borg in a stern letter.

The letter of formal notice represents the first stage in the pre-litigation procedure, during which the Commission requests a Member State to submit its observations on an identified problem regarding the application of EU law.

Barnier also said the new emission limits only applied to diesel engines and not to gas power plants, meaning this disadvantaged a bid by Israeli firm Bateman, which was proposing a cheaper, gas technology. “This constituted a clear advantage for the bidders that had presented an offer for a diesel powered plant, as the possibility for a plant to produce a higher level of emissions ahs a clear impact on the costs of such plant.”

@ marquette... unfortunately INTEGRITY is one word all of us (Maltese)..........first and foremost POlITICIANS need to address!!
Another case of scratch my back and I scratch yours.
Are we exporting corruption to Brussels, now?
eleonoray86cws Ca?uana
The PN is so scared of the 4 letters BSWC that they are willing to sell their own mothers Well said AD. Malta needs leaders not puppets
Quite apart from any sordid deals involving Roma and power stations, may one ask how long this mess is going to continue to be churned up by all and sundry? If a "Diesel Turbine was previously ruled out by by Malta's emission laws" that can only have effected the BATEMAN bid. That was the only turbine on offer and though labelled a combined cycle GAS turbine, OF EXACTLY THE SAME TYPE AS DELIMARA HAS BEEN RUNNING ON DIESEL FOR 12 YEARS, it could only be run on diesel here for the next n years as we have no supply of natural gas. If that statement was made by Barnier, then he should resign and take up trout fishing.BWSC are NOT building a 144MW diesel-fired turbine; they are installing a set of 8 piston engines of 18MW each plus a 10MW steam turbine working off the exhaust of the diesel engines. The piston engines can use diesel or cheaper HFO. Enemalta have gone for HFO in the belief-almost certainly mistaken- that we can get cheaper electricity. The ultimate joke is that if we had chosen the Bateman turbine working perforce with diesel, amendment of the emission laws would still have been necessary because of NOx emissions.
Lawrence Covin
What does the French Ambassador have to say about this? I think your article should be copied to French newspapers. Can anyone familiar with the French media do that? These people shouldn't think they can trade our honour behind our backs.
Esteban Hernandez
l ex president ta l azjoni katolika qed jagixi ta propja nisrani!!!!!!!!!!!!!
anna calleja
Lousy! You rub my back and I rub yours! Deceit at such a high level! And we innocent tax payers, fork out our hard earned cash through our noses, to have good governance and above all JUSTICE. Most probably, after 2013 Malta will not qualify to remain a net beneficiary. In such an instance, we would be paying tax and thus financially contributing to sustain a system which enables the mighty EU Commissioners be deceitfully cajoled in hiding our prevailing government’s corrupt practices. Pay EU taxes to sustain bigger and even bigger corruption. This, if true, makes Maltese taxpayers look forward to 2014 with trepidation!
Not related to this article - but what the heck! You have to pity the Times of Malta - such pathetic newspaper could only be conceived in Malta. I would rate Times of Malta as a pornographic newspaper - coz all they seem to do it to blow Gonzi, Austin or one of their pathetically sycophants like Claudio Grech. Funny thing is that even after deleting 80% of the comments and posting false positive comments on their own articles, they still barely manage to suppress the mockery that gets through about their stories. Also comparing the times and Maltatoday - you wonder of these two papers co-exist in the same universe let alone country. No scandals happening in malta as far as times is concerned - we get pathethic Claudio first putting a spin on the 300K of tax payers money they are giving to a PN front company - ignoring the fact that there are plenty of similar solutions on the market, but apparently has no interest (professional or commercial) in these existing solutions - so they don't exist. Then he is at it again - this time trying to make himself look good and bragging about how MITA systems are more secure than the previous 24/7 public latrine standard they operated before. Claudio - if MITA was run by professionals rather then sycophants like yourself, then there would be no need for the ErrandBoy-turned-Chairman to be putting a positive spin on another of his many screwups. Oh - and let's not forget Gonzi posing for a picture besides 'PRIDE OF MALTA' - the airplane refurbished in Malta. Are you sure we just refurbished this airplane - or did we maybe convert it for space flight while it was here? What was the agreement with easyjet - we do it for free and they give you a packet of peanuts, let you name the plane and take a picture with it?
Joseph Pellicano
gonzi dawn talimthom meta kont tmexi lazjoni katolika, li tuza nies biex taghti hmigek. laqwa li kontra divorzju.
Looks like the shares from the € 4 million commissions are getting smaller.
Some time back gonziPN deported a number of illegals irrispective of the kind of reception these poor souls were to get will gonziPN give a hoot about the ROMA people.?
Dik tip ta ta trasparenza...Tista taqa aktar fil baxx min hekk?....X'ghandkom x'tahbu?...Mela ir Roma mhux nies u mghandhomx human rights issa Sur Gonzi?.. Ara vera qieghed fil qiegh, biex partat id-drittijiet ta dawn in nies biex tipprova traqqad kwistjoni tahraq bhall ta BWSC li ghandek ma wiccek. Din x'tip ta polit...ika hija li tuza lil proxxmu tieghek biex taghti xturek? Basta thabtu fuq sidirkhom u taghmlu tal puritani biex wara tigu taqu u tqumu min kullhadd. Tghid hawn Korruzzjoni f'dan il pajjiz?
Shady business
Anette B Cassar
If this is true, then it is not servility but a quid pro quo. If the allegations are correct, then one may wonde that there is something to hide in the BWSC-Enemalta business. Furthermore, it seems that the human rights of the Roma can be ignored in return for keeping back from an investigation into alleged corruption. Cynical! May be even psychopathic.
Pauline Moran
...Notice Sarkozy's palm-rubbing gesture...Gonzi does that a lot also. (I dont think it is related to palm-rubbing during cold weather but it is related to something else)...
What Alternattiva Demokratika Said about the PM being a servile is 100% correct ,he is an embarrassment to Malta.As for integrity all of us know that he has none.