Football fun outside parliament places PN on the defensive
PN’s football match outside the House of Representatives brings to mind former complaints about Valletta's uglification

The Nationalist Party has been placed on the defensive after moving its annual Independence celebrations from Floriana’s Granaries, to Parliament Square where it has set up two goalposts for a celebratory football match.
The Labour Party says the PN has been caught offside (the Times have dubbed it the PN’s ‘own goal’) because its criticism on the siting of the Monti hawkers on Ordnance Street which runs between the Royal Theatre and the House of Representatives has been put paid: the PN’s goalposts have turned parliament square into a makeshift football field.
One News, the Labour Party’s newsroom, has set much store in pointing out the PN’s contradiction after Opposition leader Simon Busuttil hit out at the uglification of the capital city when the Labour government said it would place hawkers outside parliament.
On its part, the PN says that its concept is that of a domestic interior “with properly organized spaces, decorations, lounging areas, a library, and an environment which appeals to all those who attend the organised events.”
“The outstanding differences from previous years reflect the continuous changes, the dynamics and achievements within the party,” the PN said.
The goalposts are temporary, but the PN has been also criticised by Labour for setting up kiosks, tables and chairs at the De Valette Square, for its Independence celebrations.