Updated: Gift of Life jump the gun after MEP tells pro-lifers he changed 'abortion' vote

Pro-life lobby issued premature statement on Labour party's position on abortion without asking MEP on his vote against an amendment to stop EU funds to NGOs assisting in forced abortion.

Updated at 12:21pm

Labour MEP John Attard-Montalto's assistant informed Gift of Life spokesperson Paul Vincenti that the MEP had corrected his vote against an amendment to an EP report on development funds to ACP countries, the same day as soon as the voting time closed.

Vincenti apologised to the MEP's assistant "for not noticing this in the first place. We are not used to the voting system at the EU parliament and were not aware that an MEP could change his vote after."

"As far as the foundation is concerned, we are fully satisfied with Dr Attard Montalto’s pro-life position," Vincenti said.

Although not savvy about EU affairs, Vincenti was quick to take Labour to task over its position on abortion when it seemed Attard-Montalto had not joined his colleagues in a ‘pro-life’ vote in the European Parliament.

Labour MEPs Louis Grech and Edward Scicluna, and Nationalist MEP Simon Busuttil and David Casa all voted in favour of an amendment to an EP report on development and relations with African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) countries, which read:

‘Stresses that Community assistance should not be given to any authority, organization or programme which supports or participates in the management of an action which involves such human rights abuses as coercive abortion, involuntary sterilization or infanticide, especially where such actions apply their priorities though psychological, social, economic or legal pressure, thus finally implementing the specific Cairo ICPD prohibition on coercion or compulsion in sexual and reproductive health matters; calls on the Commission to present a report on the implementation of the EU’s external assistance covering this programme’.

The amendment prevents EU financial support to development programs, NGOs or governments that participate in forced abortions, sterilizations or infanticide.

An international pro-life campaign was underway to lobby MEPs to vote in favour of the amendment. 

“It is unfortunate that John Attard Montalto voted against this amendment. Gift of Life are calling on Labour to explain to the public why an MEP representing the PL is voting against a pro-life amendment that was meant to protect women from being forced into having to have an abortion,” GoL said earlier in the day.

“The PL has often declared itself to be pro-life yet this is not the first time that this MEP has voted in a manner that contradicts the party’s position.”

it is not vincenti or his right wing fundamentalist movement that the hon john attard montaldo is answerable to but to us liberal thinkers who endorsed dr attard montaldo to the eu parliament.
G.O.L. Hon. John attard Motalto did well on this. You -G.O.L.- you speaking of MORALS! I suggest to all to who call these things IMMORAL to read the Chatolic Bible Its Full of IMMORALITY! too many hypnotized from childhood with religion , that they do not see well(understands) I suggest to these who call other immoral etc.. to read the Bible well and see how many immorals are there -just read it full immorality especialy the old testament- the truth is out there