Alternattiva Demokratika welcomes EP maternity and paternity leave vote

Alternattiva Demokratika - The Green Party welcomed the European Parliament vote strengthening EU rules on paid minimum maternity leave.

The EP report provides for a minimum of 20 weeks maternity leave and 2 weeks paternity leave, following strong pressure by the European Greens.

Michael Briguglio, AD Chairperson, said: “As part of the European Greens, we welcome the vote. By supporting ambitious rules MEPs have voted in favour of dismantling the continuing barriers to reconciling having children and working.”

 Nighat Urpani, AD spokesperson for social protection added: “If it is serious about tackling the growing social strains on families, the Maltese Government should increase maternity and paternity leave, which are currently the lowest in the European Union. One of AD's budget proposals for 2011 is precisely the increase of paid maternity leave to 20 weeks and of paid paternity leave to 2 weeks.”