‘No limit’ to Labour’s dishonesty, PN says in denial of Gonzi’s ‘sick’ comment

‘Labour putting words in Prime Minister’s mouth’, PN statement.

The Nationalist Party has denied claims that Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi described Labourites as a ‘disease’ during a radio programme.

“He was commenting on party policies, and Gonzi said Labour was implementing the wrong policy that damages the country and gives the wrong advice to the people when important choices had to be made,” the PN said in a statement.

Labour’s youth section Forum Zghazagh Laburisti this morning ‘condemned’ what it described as “insensitive and shameful” comments by Gonzi, whom it accused of saying that Labour was a ‘disease’ and of saying that whatever the Labour Party did in history was bad.

The PN said Labour’s record had brought unemployment in the 1970s, 1908s and even in its two-year government in 1996, record taxes and inflation.

@kardijn In 1970 there was aPN government led by BO. Facts are facts. . [url]http://i493.photobucket.com/albums/rr298/balky54/Pjazza%20Strips/donk24.jpg[/url]
Dr Gonzi, EFA who someone had described as a village lawyer was much better than you.
Monique Cauchi
It's a bit of a joke for Gonzi to describe the Labour Party as dishonest when he is selling off the island of Gozo to his developer buddies for his 30 pieces of silver.
During the golden era of the PN the exports from Malta in 1970 amounted to 15 million liri; in 1979 the amount of exports went up to 299 million liri. Facts are sacred, lies not!
Luke Camilleri
It is Dr. Gonzi's comments that are "sick" with comments certainly not befitting not a village lawyer, not a Party Leader but a Head of State, a state with a population half of which embrace the LP. No big wonder LP Leader Dr. Joseph Muscat and his movement is drawing the crowds , with such statements coming out from the same vocal cords that used to scream in election campaigns “ Flimkien Kollox Possibli” Who is kidding who Dr. Gonzi?
Labour brought dishonesty said GONZIPN whila what had he brought CORRUPTION everywhere while Dr Austin Gatt don't want PAC to investigate the cintract of BWSC ???? that is one corruption that was under your governor GONZI PN while even the UE wants investigation about that contract another the studies for students to study abroad was held by UE of CORrUpTIon GonziPn what have you to say about all the other corruption was taking over about Tm and many other entities