Muscat orders review of safety procedures in public events
Following Paqpaqli ghal-Istrina accident, Prime Minister Joseph Muscat orders review of safety at public events

Consumer affairs minister Helena Dalli has been entrusted with carrying out a review of the legislation and regulations governing safety at public events.
In a tweet, Prime Minister Joseph Muscat announced that he had asked Dalli to carry out the review during this morning’s Cabinet meeting. The move comes in the aftermath of the Paqpaqli ghall-Istrina supercar crash that injured 26 on Sunday.
Questions about the level of safety that was present at the Malta airport runway during a charity event that raised money for the Malta Community Chest Fund: when the Porsche owner Paul Bailey lost control of his supercar, it crashed right through plastic barriers that had no form of resistance.
Following cabinet discussion, I asked @helenadalli to order review of current legislation+regulations governing safety at public events -JM
— Joseph Muscat (@JosephMuscat_JM) October 6, 2015
The Times of Malta also reported that liability for damages incurred during the event would be hard to claim for victims of Sunday’s incident, because the event was organised by volunteers raising funds for the Malta Community Chest Fund, and the Office of the President enjoys immunity from civil and criminal prosecution.