Cabinet members to listen to complaints, proposals in biannual public consultation

‘Gvern li Jisma’ sessions begin today

Ministers and Parliamentary secretaries will once again be participating in public consultation sessions entitled ‘Gvern li Jisma’, a statement reveals.

The initiative, which was part of the electoral manifesto, is taking place once every six months, and it sees members of the cabinet listening to families and members of the public as they put forward ideas and proposals for the country.

The sessions will begin today and continue on to the 22nd November, days after the Budget 2016 was announced, to allow discussions on the announced measures and how they will benefit the various categories of society.

“The first session will be a consultation with Finance minister Edward Scicluna at the Stock Exchange, and other sessions to take lace in various locations around the island depending on the subject matter.”

The statement adds that other events will be held to further put the public in close contact with members of the cabinet.

Over 9,000 people have participated in the 45 consultations meetings held over the past two years, which has allowed the administration to take into account the suggestions made by the public.

Anyone who wishes to participate in the meetings is invited to reserve a seat by calling on freephone 80072207.