Labour says opposition has 'no credibility' on good governance
National Audit Office report on encroachment permits issued by previous administration confirms opposition has no credibility in good governance, Labour says

Highlighting the findings of National Auditor Office’s report on encroachment permits issued before the last election, Labour minister Owen Bonnici today blasted the opposition’s credibility in good governance.
Accusing former lands minister Jason Azzopardi of acting inappropriately in issuing encroachment permits days before the 2013 election, Bonnici said the PN has no credibility in criticising government over the same matter.
According to the justice minister, some of these “last minute concessions” were even given on that same day.
He mentioned one which was given two days before the election on 7 March and another concession on the eve of election day.
Bonnici further added that on the eve of the election, Azzopardi used his power to issue an encroachment permit for a garage in Santa Lucija.
In a press conference in Valletta, Bonnici explained how all of this happened when Simon Busuttil was the deputy leader of the Nationalist Party. “Simon Busuttil has a lot to answer”, added the Minister.
Tourism minister Edward Zammit Lewis, who also addressed the press conference, added that if the tables were turned, the Nationalist Party would be asking for resignations even though the numbers in this case are smaller.
“Busuttil is not in a position to talk about good governance”, the minister said.
Zammit Lewis also pointed out that according to the report, the previous government was comfortable with using public funds for other purposes.
According to Zammit Lewis, the Government intends to reform the Lands Department with a reform which will be announced later by the Government.
Asked about issues regarding GWU, Gaffarena and Café Premier, the minister answered that the Prime Minister would wait for the results in the Auditor’s report.