AD slams Pullicino for defending big-business fishing interests

Green Party criticises the position of Minister George Pullicino and of other Mediterranean ministers on tuna catches.

Michael Briguglio, Alternattiva Demokratika chairperson, said: “It is shameful that the Maltese Government keeps playing to the tune of big business interests which are only interested in making as much profit in the shortest timeframe possible, periling tuna populations in the process.

“The unsustainable fishing of blue fin tuna shall lead to extinction of this fish unless urgent measures are taken, as recommended by the European Commission, by scientists and environmental NGOs such as WWF.”

Rural affairs minster George Pullicino was attending the European Council for Fisheries Ministers in Luxembourg this week, which was condemned by the WWF for not WWF cutting total tuna catches to below 6,000 tonnes.

Pullicino said the report by the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tuna’s scientific committee had shown the results of the past three years were positive in terms of tuna stock recovery.

“This is a result of strong measures adopted in the past years and I see no reason why the European Commission should insist on greater cuts for country quotas.”

Pullicino said further cuts were unjustified and would have significant economic impact.

The Federation of Maltese Aquaculture Producers said a decrease in total allowable catch to just 6,000 tons to be divided among all European nations will result in a situation which will make it impossible for the operators at different levels to survive financially.

WWF urged EU Member States to back a cut in total annual bluefin catch to below 6,000 tonnes and the protection of spawning areas – as only these steps will give a chance of recovery to bluefin tuna.

Next month in Paris, France, parties to the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT) will gather to decide new measures that will define the fate of Atlantic bluefin tuna.