Updated | Debono Grech heard threatening Marlene Farrugia in plenary [Video]
Labour MP Joe Debono Grech allegedly tells ex-colleague: ‘I’ll come and beat you up’ - Marlene Farrugia allegedly accused him of being 'corrupt' and 'a simpleton'

“Niġi għalik u nifqgħek” - għajjat, tgħajjir u storbju fil-Par...Tgħajjir, għajjat, storbju u insulti minn Deputat tal-Gvern lejn Deputat Indipendenti.Il-Whip tal-Oppożizzjoni David Agius qal li huwa inaċċettabbli li Deputat tal-Kamra jgħid il-kliem “niġi għalik u nifqgħek” lil Deputat ieħor tal-Kamra.
Posted by MaltaRightNow.com on Friday, 20 November 2015
Opposition whip David Agius has asked Speaker Anglu Farrugia to investigate an alleged threat which backbencher Joe Debono Grech made against now-independent MP Marlene Farrugia.
A discussion on who should be responsible of the ‘state of the environment’ report quickly degenerated with shouts being fired from both sides of the House. Incomprehensible, Debono Grech and Farrugia could be heard shouting as committee chair Luciano Busuttil tried to calm them down.
Taking advantage of the time, Busuttil quickly concluded the committee meeting and switched places with Speaker Anglu Farrugia.
As soon as he walked into the Chamber, the Speaker was asked by Agius to investigate the case, exclaiming that a member of parliament had threatened and hurled insults at Marlene Farrugia.
“She needs your protection,” Agius told the Speaker as he recounted how Debono Grech had told Marlene Farrugia “I’ll come and beat you up”.
Reportedly, Marlene Farrugia told Debono Grech that he was "a simpleton", "corrupt" and "no one wanted him".
A fighting match between Marlene Farrugia and Debono Grech ensued once again, with Farrugia heard telling the Labour MP that “his conscience troubled him”.
Having had enough of the uncontrollable MPs, the Speaker warned that he would walk out of the room unless everyone shuts up.
“This is not a pigsty,” he said angrily.
On his part, Busuttil told the Speaker that he hadn’t heard what the MPs had told each other “as I was trying to calm them down”. He then said that, if anyone heard anything, a report should be made to the Speaker.