Labour shuts down Qala kazin over ‘suspicious goings-on’
The Labour party orders closure of their Qala party club premises after residents get too suspicious.
The Labour party has refrained from divulging the reason why it has ordered the closure of its Qala party club in Gozo.
Residents told newspaper Illum that the village had been lit up with rumours of ‘suspect activities’ inside the club. The kazin was locked down during the Qala feast, and patrons allegedly being allowed in only if they knew the ‘password’ to the club.
The PL said it was “seeking clarifications on the way the club was being managed.”
Read more in Illum newspaper.

Zack Depasquale •
Onestament ma narax dan bhalha news item ewlieni ta gazzetta tal-Hadd, qieghed nikkumenta hekk, mhux ghax ic-centru huwa post Laburist, (personalment ikumentajt hekk ukoll meta kien hemm kazin Nazzjonalist involut), imma l-ahwa hemm xi haga kbira li partit, hu min hu, jinduna li qieghdin isiru affarijiet mhux xierqa gewwa kazin u jaghlaq dak il-kazin.
In-news item tkun ta valur, jekk il-Partit jinduna b'xi affarijiet u ma jiehux passi, Prosit il-Amministrazzjoni taz-zewg Partiti li ma jahsbuwiex darbtejn li jaghlqu bar ta'centru jekk l-affarijiet li jkunu qieghdin isiru ma jkunux xierqa.

The new PL is hard to tell from the old PN. Here is an idea - BOZOS, come out and give us the truth about what happened - BECAUSE we have a RIGHT TO THE TRUTH - you stupid pathetic moroons. Think Maltese are going to swap one gang of lying con-artists for another?
One of the reasons for the growing discontent in this country is the realization there is no convincing alternative to the corrupt, pathetic PN. PL carry part of the guilty for the corruption and incompetence in this country is drowned in.

Most clubs of whatever nature and political allegiance are opened and closed by the barman.

The password was "FIDELIO"

so the pn or mlp in this case must investigate and see who is responsable - and clean them out

these things in MLP or PN clubs have nothing to do with the real MLP or PN - it is the responsabilities of the clubs administrations- these things can happen anywheer even inside the church :)