Environment NGOs: 'Ian Borg’s position no longer tenable'
NGOs call for the resignation of parliamentary secretary Ian Borg, MEPA chair Johann Buttigieg
The eNGOs Flimkien għal Ambjent Aħjar (FAA), Friends of the Earth Malta (FOE) and Ramblers called on MEPA to review a planning permit associated with parliamentary secretary Ian Borg, following the MEPA Ombudsman’s investigation which highlighted the “devious manner” in which the application for the development permit took place.
The Ombudsman's has reportedly identified serious internal manipulations by MEPA personnel, undermining MEPA's credibility on all counts.
“Borg’s position as parliamentary secretary is untenable. We call on MEPA and the Office of the Prime Minister to take immediate and ongoing measures to weed out such corrupt manipulations and put into effect systems to ensure accountability and transparency, in order to regain respect from both the public and the law-abiding workforce within the authority,” the NGOs said in a statement.
Two years before Borg’s application, planning application 01637/12 on the same site had been refused on Case Officer Mariella Haber’s recommendation endorsed by Mark Cini. Just twenty-four months later the same Mariella Haber proceeded to recommend approval of an almost identical application submitted by Ian Borg’s father.
The Ombudsman found that the MEPA Case Officer Report contained “a series of omissions “ that “cannot be put down to human error but point to a deliberate attempt to remove…the one possible reason – and a very strong one – for refusing the proposal, thereby facilitating its approval”.
In referring only to the existing building and failing to mention “the taking up of fresh land” – the reason for the refusal of the previous application – MEPA has issued different verdicts on the same application in the space of a year when planning laws had not changed.
“This action tarnishes MEPA’s reputation greatly,” the NGOs said.
“The fact that this case deals with a politician’s application submitted using ‘stealth and dubious methods’ makes it all the more damning. The NGOs’ recent call for the resignation of MEPA CEO Johann Buttigieg over his improper involvement in the Zonqor AUM site choice is much reinforced by this case.”
The NGOs called on MEPA to revoke the planning permission. Until the revocation is implemented, MEPA would be expected to suspend further development on this site.
The NGOs said that, worst sill, was MEPA’s defence of the handling of this case, justifying the abusive permit on the grounds of another neighbouring application (PA 6928/05) that had been granted.
MEPA, they said, continued to misinform, failing to mention that PA 6928/05 was initially refused, and only granted on appeal, prompting the Heritage Advisory Panel to state that “The adjacent third party development (PA 6928/05) was approved at appeals stage and had the Panel been consulted, it would have recommended a refusal.”
“If, as feared, the new MEPA demerger law that grants permits according to existing commitment is to be based on abusive cases, then planning is truly bankrupt, both morally and technically,” the NGOs said.
They added that such cases only serve to encourage others to similarly abuse, “bending” laws, omitting important information and misguiding the decision-taking boards.