[WATCH] Archbishop urges respect to immigrants in his Christmas message

Charles Scicluna calls on Maltese people to treat immigrants with respect, reminds that several Maltese families have also emigrated from the island. 

Archbishop Charles Scicluna
Archbishop Charles Scicluna

Archbishop Charles Scicluna has called on Maltese citizens to be more welcoming to immigrants, reminding them that several Maltese families have also felt the need to emigrate to a foreign country. 

“Let us remember the many Maltese families who sought a new beginning in foreign lands, our dearest emigrants who felt it was necessary to leave their homeland,” Scicluna said in his Christmas message from Dar tal-Providenza. “It took great courage for them to leave their homeland and seek a future in other countries, to build a new life.

“How wonderful it is to welcome those foreigners who live amongst us: let us welcome them and treat them with respect, regardless of their race or colour.”

“Why should a person who is not Maltese receive a lower salary than a normal citizen who is also covered by the laws governing social security? This Christmas, let us also strive to show concrete mercy with one and all.”

The Archbishop also called on the public to keep in mind their elderly relatives who are facing a Christmas in solitude.

“During these days, many times I think of our elderly who are keen to meet their relatives - their grandchildren, their children - so that together they may celebrate these beautiful feasts,” he said. “We all know how difficult it is to live in solitude, and it is a wonderful gesture to commit ourselves to visiting those who are on their own so that they may find company.

“Let us think of these people: even by phoning them or by sending a message, or a visit which might require time - a precious gift which we should also share.”