Australian bishopric says priest in sex abuse claims returned to Gozo

In Australia, Cairns Bishop responds to abuse claims as victim at the centre of lawsuit against the Catholic Church vows to follow his legal claim “all the way through”.

The man, 38, from Cairns in Australia, told The Cairns Post he suffered severe depression before seeking professional counselling to come to terms with the abuse he suffered at the hands of Fr Joseph Sultana.

“This matter has been pushed aside for so long, I’ve held it back for 30 something years,” he said. “It’s been many, many endless years of pain and tragedy.”

The Cairns man launched a personal injury civil claim in the Supreme Court against the Roman Catholic Trust Corporation for the Diocese of Cairns and the Corporation of the Sisters of Mercy for the Diocese of Cairns.

In his sworn affidavit, the man says he was repeatedly abused as a student and altar boy at St Joseph’s School and Church at Atherton by Fr Sultana between March 1979 and November 1982.

He said the church failed to report the matters to police or remove Fr Sultana from contact with children when they were alerted to the allegations of abuse.

The Cairns Post said the Gozo diocese was ‘investigating’ if Fr Sultana, who is believed to have moved back in 1997 or 1998, is still residing there.

According to the Cairns Post, the Archbishop of Brisbane John Bathersby was Bishop of Cairns in 1986 when Fr Sultana was serving as in the same diocese.

The present Bishop of Cairns, James Foley, claims Bathersby did not receive any sexual abuse complaints about Fr Sultana during his bishopric.

Bishop Foley said he had spoken to other priests and nuns who all denied ever being aware of any sex abuse complaints against Fr Sultana.

The Cairns man, who said he still has nightmares about the abuse by Fr Sultana, said he was “strong and determined” to fight his legal claim. “I’m determined to follow it all the way through and I hope it brings other kids forward,” he said.

Bishop statement on abuse claims – unedited

This is an unedited statement from James Foley DD DPh Bishop – Catholic Diocese of Cairns in response to questions from The Cairns Post.

I met briefly with the editor-at-large of [] on Friday afternoon October 29: When these matters were brought to my attention, action was taken promptly and properly.

His information was largely drawn from documents filed in court containing, as yet, untested allegations.

I advised him that there were inaccuracies and inconsistencies in the complainant’s version of events which yet had to be aired and tested in potential legal proceedings.

While aware of legal restrictions and other sensitivities, I can state with certainty the following:

1: The first suggestions of child sexual abuse were raised with me, by the original complainant on 24 July, 1998, after I had already removed Joseph Sultana from ministry for other reasons.

2: In 1998, I had discussions with my predecessors in office: John Torpie (deceased 2002) and John Bathersby, which established that they had never received complaints of child sexual abuse by Joseph Sultana.

3: As to the allegations made in November 2009 by the second complainant, the Religious Sister implicated is now deceased.

Other Priests and Sisters would swear that they did not know, nor were they informed of any child sexual abuse complaints against Joseph Sultana.

4: I sat with and heard both complainants’ versions of events and each one of us genuinely struggled to establish the truth. However, there remain for me vagaries, contradictions and inconsistencies which can now only be resolved in the pending legal process.

5: To this end, and from the very beginning, I urged both complainants to take their concerns to the police. The second complainant alleges in his affidavit that I made no such recommendation in the course of our meeting. However, I certainly did press for police involvement at this meeting.

As I explained, Joseph Sultana had returned to Malta and only law enforcement authorities could compel his co-operation in any investigation of the complaint.

6: The Church hopes to reach with the second complainant a satisfactory resolution of this matter which is alleged to have occurred over 30 years ago.

The premature and sensational reporting of this matter may have caused further pain to the complainants and/or their families. Fortunately, at least, they have not been identified by name.

When these matters were brought to my attention, action was taken promptly and properly.

Implications to the contrary do not help in ascertaining the truth of these matters nor do they assist in healing any harm which may have been done.

Ivutaw le, Biex Turu li inthom ta Kristu. hekk qall, li ibghatu it tfal, dan kliem l-isqof ta ghawdex hbieb. u go ghawdex mimli abbuz ta sex fuq it tfal. ibda bl-istitut tas sorijiet dumnikani, li skuzi dak il-perjodu li saru dan l-abbuzi il-konfessur tad dar kien l-arc Isqof Mons Pawlu Cremona.u kompli b;qassis iehor ghawdex jekk tahseb li insejnih li kien babbas xi senatur amerikan meta kien tifel, issa dan? mela l-isqof ta ghawdex fejn jaqbillu jitkellem. ha nghidlhekk it tmiem tal knisja inthom stess qed iggibuh b,idejkhom.
Monsignor Grech is too busy talking about or dare I say talking doen masturbation and contraception to find time to locate a priest who is accused of child abuse. Speak of getting your priorities right.
@consequences- yes until proven guilty all are innocent true:) But if I was you ,before I open my mouth would go tell that to that man who is saying that he was sexually abused .Maybe cause it is not you or your son ?-is that what some people of you needs ,maybe one day you believe?yes we all are humans right, but I am speaking of the evil church -go and read its history not showing only the bright side- plus all the evil there is in the bible - read the old testament well- if you have read it- and see the murders ,rapes and killings of babies etc..I will never adhore a God like that if he ever really existed. oh you so people are so blind to see well things- read read and read .mr or mrs:) the bible was written by men to control over the weak so they gained power ,which by years declined so much-
Norman Buckle
"The Cairns Post said the Gozo diocese was ‘investigating’ if Fr Sultana, who is believed to have moved back in 1997 or 1998, is still residing there."     That's the best line in the story! Imagine ... on tiny Gozo ("tiny" is a BIG word to describe Ghawdex), where, a fart at one end, disturbs the neighbours at the other end, the Church is investigating if one of their own lives there! Bwaah!     I lo♥e Gozitan humour!
well let's start :) I never wroted the word *all* you wroted that:) 2. I don't know of anyone who don't fight to survive- aren't we all surving to live in this world? what you meant by fighting *kung Fu* hehheeh- nah -that's just the word for struggle hard -in a way or another we all arestruggling, in different ways . all with our problems that life brings and will bring ,upon us:) don't you see too much corruption in this world? people dying of hunger and thirst while others lives like pigs? etc.. etc...or you don't see outside how maybe you are doing? there is a world besides yourself ,what goes around comes around -issa naraw :) above all I rare trust someone so I am a little wise yes!and you know why? cause humans knows how to lie ;-)
Helenio Galea
As to priests being a "bunch of hypocrites", I suppose by now if you are wise enough to make such conclusions about the world then you should by now also be wise enough to never generalise. There are obviously good priests and bad priests, just like there are good non-priests and bad non-priests. And yes, as in the last 11 billion + years all living organisms must fight to survive.
Jon Sciberras
Of course one should remember that the person or persons are "presumed innocent until proven guilty". One should not necessarily jump to conclusions and we are all human, therefore the argument should follow, if one is likely to be bad, or rotten, then we can all be. Throw the first stone? and you be likely to get it back twice as hard.
the priests ....... a bunch of hypocrites who uses thier religion to disguise themselves - this world is full of hypocrisy and corruption - This world humans have made it a toilet............................- one must fight to survive