12 CPD members appointed leading assistant rescue officers
Home Affairs Minister Carmelo Abela and CPD Head John Rizzo present letters of appointment to 12 of its members

Twelve members of the Civil Protection Civilin were appointed as leading assistant rescue officers (LARO).
The officers will help in the running of the various stations and coordinate fire-fighting and rescue operations.
The last time that similar appointments were given to CPD members was in 2006.
Minister for Home Affairs, Carmelo Abela, presented the certificates together with the Head of Department, John Rizzo. With the latest certificates, the CPD now has 33 LAROs.
Abela said that this was a very exciting period for the CPD because of all the money that is being invested in it. He explained that the Government is committed to strengthen the human resource of the department as man-power currently amounts to some 180 firemen.
He insisted on the need to keep making work conditions better and mentioned how for the first time, CPD members will benefit from the retirement pension after 25 years of service.
Head of Department John Rizzo called for an exemplary leadership and for the new LAROs to take their job very seriously.