Falzon urges Speaker to investigate leaks of NAO report
Parliamentary secretary calls on Speaker to investigate how details of an as-yet unpublished audit report into the expropriation of half a property was leaked to the media.

Parliamentary secretary for planning Michael Falzon called on the Speaker to investigate how information from an as-yet unpublished National Audit Office report was leaked to the press.
The Times of Malta reported on Saturday that the NAO report into the partial expropriation of half a Valletta property from businessman Marco Gaffarena will be tabled in Parliament on Wednesday and will spark a Cabinet reshuffle.
The paper reported that the findings’ main focus is on Falzon, who signed the controversial deal.
In his letter to Speaker Anglu Farrugia, Falzon urged for the leaks to be investigated before the tabling of the NAO report.
“It appears as though both the report’s conclusions and the date of its publication were leaked,” he said.
Farrugia said that he has not yet received the NAO’s report and handed Falzon’s letter to the Clerk of the House to investigate further.