Increase in Church weddings in Malta last year
1,458 Church weddings took place in Malta last year, a slight increase from the weddings registered last year
1,458 Church weddings took place in Malta last year, a marginal increase from the 1,387 that were registered in 2014.
The Curia said in a statement that 1,248 of the weddings were between Maltese couples, while 71 of them were between Maltese nationals and foreigners. Of these, 44 marriages were between Maltese Catholics and foreign Catholics, 22 were between Maltese Catholics and foreign non-Catholic Christians, and five between Maltese nationals and non-Christian foreigners.
The majority of foreigners who married Maltese nationals in the Church last year hailed from England (11 people) and Italy (11 people).
The most popular months for weddings were the summer months of June, May and July.
138 foreign couples also tied the knot in a Maltese church last year, while 13 marriages between Maltese couples living overseas were registered with the local archdiocese.
The majority of people who got married aged between 20 and 29.
74 marriages were convalidated last year, referring to couples already married civilly choosing to tie the knot again in the Church. 20 widows and widowers remarried last year, as did 38 people who had had their first marriages annulled.