In the Press: PM meets with University's non-academic staff

Stories from today's national press

The Times of Malta

Inspectors with the health and safety authority have no company vehicles with which to carry out their work. The lease of company vehicles ended in December but it has not been renewed, leaving the 17 OHSA officers unable to work. 


PN deputy leader Beppe Fenech Adami called on the police to investigate the corruption emanating from Castille, referring to the recent Gaffarena scandal.


An economic update from the Central Bank described an increase in productivity as the reason behind a 0.4% reduction in production costs in Maltese industry. 

The Malta Independent

The University's administrative staff met with PM Joseph Muscat and education minister Evarist Bartolo yesterday, to discuss the future of the institution and the appointment of a new rector. Topics discussed included the public transport situation and bridging the gap between academic and non-academic staff.