Gozo Bishop 'not against sexual education'

Gozo Bishop Mario Grech has declared he is not against sexual education “in itself” in a disclaimer of news reports from a conference on the theology of the body, that reported him saying sexual education “could be abusive”.

Grech said his comments on 31 October, that were lambasted by Genitourinary clinic director Dr Philip Carabot as ‘hysterical’, were: “our educational system can be committing abuse on our students if instead of helping them learn how to educate their sexual energy, offers them an education and methods such as contraceptives, to buy in to the culture of pleasure.”

Grech said he was not against sexual education in itself, but it had to include “all aspects, ethics included.”

His comments were negatively received and have now been followed by a clarification issued to all media. But Church e-paper gensillum.com's leader also took umbrage at Dr Carabot's reaction to the bishop's statements.

He said this was line with Pope Benedict’s teaching for “an urgent need of edcuation, an education about life first and foremost.”

“The Pope says he hopes that young people are given special attention to understand the real meaning of love and prepare themselves with a proper sexual education, without being alienated by ephemeral messages that do not give them the whole truth.”

Grech said he was concerned that the risk of abuse could come if contraceptives “confuse the  nature and finality of sexuality... ‘a measures action that disrupts procreation denies the intimate truth of love to married people, that begets life’,” he said, quoting Pope Benedict.

Grech reaffirmed that a sexual education without any moral principles “cultivate an hedonistic culture and turns people into objects of pleasure”.

Last week, Dr Carabot slammed the bishop’s statements, responding to the Bishop’s charge that sexual education could be abuse by emphasising that “our aim is to prevent abuse, and not perpetuate it.”

He pointed out that Malta has among the highest teenage pregnancies in the European Union. “We’re trying to fight sexually transmitted disease, teenage pregnancy, and the phenomenon of single mothers,” Carabot stated. “If the Bishop thinks this (sexual health) education is ‘tantamount to abuse’, then good luck to him.”

Carabot turged the Bishop to “join the debate” with practical, concrete proposals that not vague and “airy-fairy” like abstinence. “I have absolutely no time for remarks or comments that simply seek to attack and destroy,” he said.

How do these self-appointed men of God have the audacity to speak about sex and sex education when the history of their institution is so so shameful. How can they even contemplate taking the high moral ground? People have a right to decide whether or not they want to be party to what the bishop calls "the culture of pleasure". It is simply not the business of bishops to tell citizens what to do with their life. I wish they mind their own business. What do they want? More closeted homosexuals joining the ranks of the priesthood? Show me a heterosexual Roman Catholic priest or bishop and that will be a greater miracle than seeing St Peter and St Peter having a capuccino at Cordina's. As my father used to say in the 1960s "dawn dahhlu hemm ghax ma jistghux jaghmlu mod iehor." Do these people take us for fools? What normal hot blooded heterosexual male would give us a sexual relationship with a woman? And they have the audacioty to talk about sex. They are bloody preoccupied with sex.
Most importantly, how come the Vatican continues to get away with hundreds of thousands of verifiable cases of evil child molestation across the planet and no one seems able to stop it? Sadly, the answer lies not in a fear of the Vatican and the Roman Cult, but the inherit design of the very legal system of our countries that we think we know and trust. The weakness lies in the very fabric of the modern western legal system as first formed by the Jesuits of the College of English at the end of the 16th century and transmitted into common usage through such masterworks as the manufacture of William Shakespeare. The weakness lies in the supreme lie concocted by Pope Innocent III in the 13th Century and the first formation of the Holy See that claimed the ancient (and false) right of supremacy above all secular laws of society by the terribly corrupted Codex Justinian and Pandects of previous Roman emperors. So as much as a judge or magistrate may wish to hear a case against the Vatican for one of their many crimes against humanity, he or she may be stripped of all jurisdiction in the matter simply by the Vatican—the Roman Cult—exercising its ancient fraudulent right of supremacy both in the legal words and fabric of law and ancient forged documents. How then might the church be forced to be held account? What cruel legal trickery is played upon the many hundreds of thousands of victims of the Vatican so that their right of remedy is stolen? And how might good individuals become better forewarned and forearmed in understanding the corrupt personality of the Vatican led New World Order? http://www.arcticbeacon.com/greg/?p=1187