In the Press: Palumbo threatens Senglea residents with asset seizure
Stories from today's national press.

Times of Malta
Palumbo has threatened Senglea residents who filed police reports over excess noise at its shipyards with asset seizures unless they foot the bill for the company’s court costs. In its letter, Palumbo accused residents of filing a “malicious” report aimed at financially damaging the shipyards and of damaging Malta’s entire maritime sector.
The Constitutional Court reconfirmed that the law regulating the composition of industrial tribunals breaches the rights of people to a fair hearing. The General Workers’ Union, who had first filed two cases against the Attorney General over the issue back in 2008, hailed the court’s decision as proof that the union had been right from the start.
The newspaper carries an interview with Shyli Cassar, the 16-year old girl whose Maltese rap song went viral on social media this week. She said that her dream is for her music to transmit a message of courage to people passing through difficult times.
The Malta Independent
The Education Ministry this week issued instructions to the university’s council to temporarily freeze all promotions, appointments and transfers of academic staff until after the new rector is appointed. However, it revoked the order only a few hours later.