Further changes to civil procedures come into force today
Legal amendments set to improve the court’s efficiency, reduce costs for citizens

The amendments to the legislation regulating civil procedures come into force today, part of a wider reform in the justice sector spearheaded by the Bonello Commission and other experts in the sector.
“The government is committed to implement the reform that respects citizens’ rights and increase the efficiency of the law courts,” the justice ministry said in a statement.
Different reforms have been coming into force over the past two years and a half.
Through Act IV of 2016 – which tackles civil cases before the small claims tribunal, the court of magistrates, the first hall of the civil courts and the appeal’s court – the changes are expected to bring about a reduction in costs and red tape.
The disposition on same-day decisions by the courts on warrants will not come into force as yet, pending further requirements before the amendment is implemented. Click below for the full list: