Mizzi and Schembri’s ‘time in politics is up’ – Fenech Adami
PN deputy leader on party’s good governance proposals: ‘Person’s success acquired before political career can be as good or bad as someone unsuccessful’

The PN’s deputy leader Beppe Fenech Adami has said that MPs must “choose wisely” on their associations in politics, in a reply to a question raised on his party’s good governance proposals.
Fenech Adami was addressing the press in Msida by a billboard erected by the PN that pours scorn on Prime Minister Joseph Muscat and his chief of staff and energy minister, the latter two embroiled in a scandal over offshore companies.
In its proposals for good governance, the PN says that if elected, it would “require members of parliament to exercise due discretion in their association and refrain from associating themselves with unsavoury characters”.
Questioned how the PN will guarantee such a commitment, Fenech Adami said that “once in politics, an MP must act wisely on whom he associates himself with and decisions he or she takes.”
“Once you become a public person, good judgement must follow,” Fenech Adami said of professionals who are elected MPs.
But Fenech Adami brushed off suggestions that political candidates should have their financial affairs scrutinised before running for office.
“A person’s success in their life should not stand in the way,” Fenech Adami replied. “People usually don’t spend years pondering on whether to get involved in politics or not… Having a lot of money can be as good and bad as a person without money.”
His answer cued a journalist from the Labour stable to ask why the PN had taken issue with the PM’s chief of staff Keith Schembri, who has admitted to owning an offshore company in Panama and a trust in New Zealand.
“Keith Schembri’s choice to advise Konrad Mizzi to go for the offshore set-up was definitely wrong,” referring to the minister’s similar set-up in Panama and New Zealand.
Fenech Adami reiterated the PN’s call for Mizzi’s and Schembri’s dismissal.
“This story won’t go away, no matter how much Muscat desires it. The people are disgusted and disappointed in the Prime Minister who is defending the indefensible,” Fenech Adami said.
“Konrad Mizzi is Labour’s star candidate who has been imposed on the Labour Party as its deputy leader. These people, the protagonists of Malta’s biggest scandal, have not realised that their time in politics is up.”