[WATCH] CCTV cameras to be installed in subways
Transport minister Joe Mizzi announces investment to make subways more welcoming and safer for pedestrians

Transport minister Joe Mizzi has announced an investment of €30,000 in new security camera systems, which are aimed at improving pedestrian safety and deterring illegal dumping in Subways and other areas across the island.
Speaking at a press conference, Mizzi said that the investment would but some ten cameras to be installed in various localities including Sliema, St. Paul’s Bay, Zebbug and Zejtun. He added that some of the cameras would be installed in subways as a deterrent for illegal dumping and general misbehaviour in subways.
“The problem we have had for a while, is that subways were being used almost as latrines, making them both unpleasant and unsafe for people to use,” Floriana mayor Davina Sammut Hili said.
Sammut Hili said that subways in Floriana had already been fitted with the cameras, and that embellishment works were also expected to start in the coming months.
Mizzi added that the University of Malta subway would also be fitted with security cameras later on this year in an effort to deter vandalism and make subway use safer for pedestrians, who often opt to cross dangerously busy roads instead.
“Barriers will also be erected to prevent crossing main roads dangerously, once the subways are made adequately clean and safe,” Mizzi said,
Cameras will also be installed in areas known to be illegal dumping hotspots, such as Zebbug, Paola, Sliema and St. Paul’s Bay.
Director of the cleansing department Ramon Deguara said that the ministry was also open to increasing the number of security cameras around the island, given the necessary funds.
Deguara said that another €30,000 investment in solar powered cameras, had purchased some four cameras that were installed as deterrents in known illegal dumping hotspots.
“Their purpose as deterrents was very successful, with abuses in the areas being completely eliminated,” Deguara said, adding that an indidividual had also been caught red-handed in Kalkara.
“The government is trying to educate people on the importance of respecting the environment, but in the meantime we will continue to introduce these deterrent measures,” Mizzi said.