Developers want politicians to calm down because of side-effect to business
‘Uncertainty could nip new investment in the bud’ MDA says in appeal to political parties to lessen level of confrontation

The Malta Developers Association has said it is concerned about Malta’s current political situation, highlighting the manner that the two main political parties have raised the level of confrontation between them “as if a general election were around the corner”.
The Labour government is under pressure over revelations that energy minister Konrad Mizzi had set up an offshore company in Panama in 2015, as well as the prime minister’s chief of staff Keith Schembri; in retaliation the Labour Party is hitting out at PN deputy leader Beppe Fenech Adami’s planning irregularities at his villa in Gharghur.
“The parties have the right – indeed the obligation – to draw the people’s attention to circumstances that could damage the country [but] the MDA knows from experience that a situation of unnecessary uncertainty could nip new investment in the bud in Malta both by the Maltese themselves as well as by foreigners.”
The MDA called on the two main political parties to tone down the level of “hysterical” confrontation between them and carry on without “raising the temperature to one that resembles an election… In that way we will avoid negative effects on the country’s economic performance, as always happens when an election campaign begins.”