YIA to raise funds in aid of Hamrun 'safe house'

Philanthropic group Lions Club Mdina will be refurbishing and increasing the capacity of Dar Qalb ta’ Gesu in Hamrun, a residence for victims of domestic violence, with the help of funds obtained from the EU commission’s Youth In Action (YIA).

The target of the Lion’s Club Mdina is to install modern kitchen areas in seven of the flat lets and give an overall more appealing look to the residence. The walls of a number of the flat lets have already been stripped and re-painted.

The awareness campaign, called “Together we will combat violence against women and children,” was intended to help a vulnerable group in society. As a result of the increased incidence of domestic violence, affecting one in every five women in Europe, the club chose to use the YIA funds on providing for the resident families at the Hamrun residence.

The EU’s YIA programme finances a number of philanthropic campaigns on a yearly basis, of which one of the chosen initiatives was that of the Lion’s Club Mdina.

In a previous fund-raising activity, the club financed Glaucoma Screening Machines in state clinics and distributed sight-saving medication among the general public, having helped prevent many sufferers from blindness.

In an attempt to further promote the campaign, the Lion’s Club Mdina will be organising a marathon walk on Sunday 14th November starting at 9.00am from Tower Road, Sliema near Fortizza, to the love monument in Spinola and back. A minimum participation fee of €5 will be collected and donated to the cause.