EP adopts resolution on transfer of air passenger records to US

The European Parliament today adopted a Resolution by a large majority on the global approach to transferring Passenger Name Records data to third countries.

"The EPP Group calls for a coherent approach on the use of Passenger Name Records data, thus establishing a single set of principles to serve as a basis for agreements with third countries", said Simon Busuttil MEP, EPP Group Coordinator in the Committee of Civil Liberties, this afternoon in Brussels.

"We consider it fundamental to ensure that the use of the PNR data for law enforcement and security purposes be in line with European data protection standards, in particular regarding purpose limitation, proportionality, legal redress, a limitation of the amount of data to be collected, the length of the storage period and the transfer to third countries", Busuttil said.

"We welcome the recommendation from the Commission to the Council to authorise the opening of negotiations for agreements between the EU and Australia, Canada and the USA. The data has to be used to fight against terrorism and serious crimes and the results of the analysis have to be shared with Europol and Eurojust.

“It is also necessary that the implementation of the agreements has to be assessed through regular independent oversight", Busuttil added

"With today's vote, we reaffirm that the European Parliament has to be fully informed on all PNR-related and relevant developments before it gives its consent to any international agreements. We therefore urge the Commission and the Council to keep us fully informed on the state of play with regard to bilateral agreements, bearing in mind that bilateral memorandums of understanding are contrary to the principle of loyal cooperation between the EU Institutions.”

Alfred Galea
Ruth, don't be ridiculous.