WATCH | Air Malta employees speak out ‘Airbus engine sold to pay our salaries’

Visibly concerned at the state of affairs at Air Malta, employee reveals that an Airbus engine was sold by Air Malta and later hired to raise cash to pay for last October’s salaries.

Filming: Martina Said

Speaking to MaltaToday at the Air Malta head office car park in Luqa, moments after they were addressed by GWU secretary-general Tony Zarb, employees insisted that it was unfair for them to have to face the consequences of years of bad political and administrative decisions.

One employee asked how the airline kept so many surplus workers after outsourcing the catering and loading sectors, while also selling its hotels and other services.

“Why is it that this crisis has surfaced as soon as Sonny Portelli took over as Chairman a few months ago?” one asked, while another asked how many new workers were engaged with Air Malta on the eve of the 2008 General Election.

Another asked why is it that Air Malta has signed a collective agreement with all unions, except with the General Workers Union.

Earlier, GWU boss Tony Zarb addressed Air Malta staff and confirmed what was revealed by MaltaToday on Wednesday that the lossess incurred by the airline during 2010 are to hit 50 million.

12 million alone have been lost during the peak summer months on its most strategic routes,” Tony Zarb said.

U grazzi kbira tmur ghal President ta' Malta, Dr. G. Abela! Grazzi mill-Qalb Eccellenza! U vera tixraqlek il-kelma Eccellenza......mintix President tal-pulptu, izda President tan-nies, tal-poplu!!!
Sehh dak li ma xtaqniex isehh! Haddiema jitkellmu dwar haddiema ohra, izda meta nigu biex nikkundannaw il-hazin li sar u li ghadu jsir mill-management nibzghu! X'inhi l'biza? Jew nibzghu li ma nafux il-verita' shiha jew nibzghu minn xi vendikazzjoni! Dan qatt ma jrid isehh! Ahna l-haddiema tal-Air Malta, ghal min jahseb li ghandna paga kbira nghidlu li jien naqla 1054eur qabel it-taxxa u l-bolla! Fil-video jidhru nies bla motivazzjoni, ma jafux x'se jaqbdu jghidu.....u x'tort ittihom? Bil-mannara fuq rashom u jibqghu iwettqu dmirhom sal-ahhar nifs! Issemmux iktar RJ70 u Azzurra Air, issa irridu laqghat kalmi u intensivi biex l-ghan ahhari li semma Tony Zarb!! Grazzi li kull min qed jipprova jghin. Lil gurnalisti nghidilhom biex ma johorgux cifri addocc bla bazi ta' xejn ghaliex dawn iwasslu biss ghal iktar inkwiet!!!!!
Nobody can blame PL for what happened - as was said it was in opposition - simply because the majority wanted it to be there. On the other hand, The problem at AirMalta has been there for years. It was always a question of bad management (RJ 70 avroliners, Azzura Air) with nobody being accountable for what happened. One employee asked the journalist how many had been employed before the election - well that would be a good thing for Maltatoday to find out and show it's readers. I believe the government has made a terrible mistake in allowing the situation to degrade along the years without ever intervening with a sense of justice and arranging what had to be done before the situation escalated to this point. We need more accountability and transparency - something which seems to be lacking in our country.
If some headless chicken ever doubted what Gonzipn and his followers ever had (and still have) in mind, it is now VERY clear!! Ask Jesmond Mugliette...........the new chairman of some new board at MEPA....with thousands in "salary". Sur Mugliette issa li l-imghallem saddlek halqek . Haga wahda fadallek. Oqghod incensah bhal ma' ghamlu l-"imqarbin" ta' qablek!! Laham mibjugh!!
Esteban Hernandez
LIL KULL MIN IVOTA LIL DAL GVERN, mintomx tinduaw li dal gvern bih kull ma kellu u il ftit kumpaniji li baqalu kwazi faluti. had ma jista iwahal fil pl li falijom ghax ijlu 25 sena f opozizjoni u kull had jaf kif kinet il qada finanzjarja tal pajiz qabel 87. ifthu mohkom thalux min jerga jidhaq bijkom!!
Michael Gauci
"while another asked how many new workers were engaged with Air Malta on the eve of the 2008 General Election". Good question,answer please.